Don’t Let Yourself Get Too Hungry

We’re trying to lose weight. We’re not supposed to be thinking about food all the time. We’re trying to push the thoughts of food out of our minds and make it less of a priority on our radar screens. But when we do this, we run the risk of not feeding ourselves enough. That seems like a contradiction of our goals. Isn’t cutting back on food the aim here? Isn’t it good to forget about eating? Yes and no. We should turn our attention away from food at times of stress, boredom, and emotional overload. It’s good to ignore food … Continue reading

Mitigating Diet Damage

“Do you have any tips for “mitigating” the damage from all the heavy meals during summer barbeques and parties? I’m talking more in terms of exercise, other meals, supplements when you know you will overeat, not avoiding all the great food with my family.” When it comes to overeating, there is only one way to mitigate the damage and that involves an eating disorder of another color. Let’s just not go there. Here are some thoughts on how to handle holidays and family celebrations in a diet conscious way that will still allow you to enjoy good food with friends … Continue reading

Eating Out While Dieting

“We do a lot of traveling in the summer and I always gain so much weight! Do you have any suggestions on how to eat out without blowing up?” I sure do! Here are just a few suggestions to help you stay in your swimsuit all summer long and not look like a beached whale on Labor Day weekend. Stay away from fried foods. Opt for broiled meats or fish and ask that they go easy on any butters or oils in preparing the meat. Decorative dollops of herbed butter are notorious for showing up on steaks and fish. Baked, … Continue reading

Deli Meats are Diet Food

“Are sandwich meats okay on a diet? I mainly eat turkey slices for lunch.” Meat good. Meat make man happy. Seriously though, I always recommend that dieters eat meat. Meat has a way of triggering chemicals in the brain that help us to feel satisfied. Most of us could eat lettuce all day long and never feel satisfied but add a few slices of lean meat and you can walk away from a single salad and feel like you actually ate something. Low calorie dieters especially need to include protein as it helps to spare muscle tissue when the body … Continue reading

Eggs for Breakfast Every Day?

“I hear what you’re saying about protein and I do feel great when I have eggs for breakfast on the weekends but I just don’t have the time to make eggs during the week. Any suggestions?” Ah, eggs. These are just the most magical protein in my opinion. They are inexpensive, filling, low in calories, tasty and easily prepared. Did you know that you can prepare eggs in advance and freeze or refrigerate them? Yes, you can! You can prepare omelets ahead of time and place them in a microwave-safe plastic container so you can just pack them in your … Continue reading

Skipping Breakfast Will Not Help You Lose Weight

Most people who lose weight and keep it off are breakfast eaters. There is a reason for that. “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” is not just something cereal companies came up with to sell cereal. Eating breakfast helps people to manage their hunger better and thereby make better food choices throughout the day. James O. Hill, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado, says that breakfast helps us to spread out our hunger and manage food choices better throughout the day. He also says that people who eat breakfast don’t get … Continue reading

I’m Too Busy to Diet!

Nonsense! You can still lose weight while maintaining a busy life. It can be done. I’ve been there. I did it. Here are a few tips on how to trim down without having to give up all the fun and convenience. First of all, eat breakfast! If you don’t think you’ll have time for breakfast, consider a meal replacement bar or drink that is well balanced in protein, carbohydrates and fats. Try a Zone Bar or one of the newer Slim Fast shakes that has a lower carbohydrate content and a higher protein content (think Ultima or Low-Carb). Next, if … Continue reading

Eating Healthy on the Run

Sometimes, I’m too impulsive. I’ll get a spur of the moment idea and run with it. That’s how I found myself in a classroom again. I wanted something to do while my kids were in school, so I thought it might be a good idea to take classes, full-time, at a university. My goodness, I wasn’t prepared for it. For eight years, I did what I wanted, when I wanted. Suddenly, I was studying for hours and I had no social life. It wasn’t long before I missed those afternoon naps I used to take… and it showed. I hadn’t … Continue reading

Can you lose weight eating fast food? In short—Yes!

What?! I can hear you now, jumping up and down on your couch with doubtful glee. Rest assured, I’m being honest. I know it seems unlikely, but the truth is, eating fast food while dieting is not going to make the scale jump up—not if you make the right choices, anyway. That doesn’t mean that you can go to any greasy dive that only serves a few calorie and fat-laden choices, but you can visit your favorite fast food chains now and then and not gain weight. For instance, if you go to McDonalds, order a regular hamburger instead of … Continue reading

Eating Intentionally

I love Burger King. I love to start my day with a sausage, egg and cheese croissanwich, a large order of hash browns with plenty of salt and a large turbo coffee. Not only is it all very tasty but it is a quick breakfast when I’m in between the gym and errands. Although I love it, this is not a healthy way to start my day and it is an “accidental” way to stave off hunger when you’re a busy mother on the go. Unfortunately, having a breakfast like that negates all the work I’ve done at the gym … Continue reading