The West Wing Diet

Yes, this is my pathetic excuse to talk about a favored show that I loved to watch and that recently ended its seven year run on NBC. That being said, one of things I noticed when watching old episodes on DVD was how many conversations occurred in the halls of the White House while staffers were hurrying from one place to another. There were numerous references to the cardio workout the staffers received just to have meetings in the hallway. They did this while they were on foot and running from one meeting to another. Considering this information, what can … Continue reading

Losing Weight Post-Pregnancy

We talked about losing pregnancy weight yesterday. Today I want to take a look at what a woman should look into as she prepares to lose her pregnancy weight post-partum. While I can’t endorse any one single plan as the best plan for losing weight, I do have some good ideas of how to do your planning. First and foremost, give yourself that six to ten weeks after the baby is born to recover. You may find yourself shedding excess weight through breast-feeding. When a woman breast-feeds, her uterus will tighten up and that helps to reduce the levels of … Continue reading

The Tips We Wish Were True

When it comes to weight loss and eating a healthy diet, there are plenty of myths out there that confuse dieters out there and the following tips are one hundred percent untrue. So let’s talk about the tips we wish were true and enjoy a little Monday morning humor to get your week kicked off right. Donuts are Healthier than Solid Pastries – Do you know how many calories you can save by eating something with a hole in the middle? French Fries Reduce Heart Disease – There is statistical evidence that the French suffer fewer heart attacks than American … Continue reading

Fat Fighting Arsenals

Are you concerned about your children’s weight? Are you worried that they might have a weight issue, but you aren’t sure how to target it and you need to be careful to avoid damaging their self-esteem? Here are a few tips for moms and dads alike to employ in helping their whole family achieve healthier eating habits and increased activity to stimulate weight loss. Remember, there is no single solution to being overweight. It’s a combination of environmental factors that brought you or your family to the weight you are now. So it will take a combination of solutions and … Continue reading

Keeping the Freshman 15 Off

The transition to a college lifestyle can be overwhelming to say the least. Between all of the new found freedoms, classes, papers, tests, and all of the individual responsibilities, it is no surprise that college freshmen regularly gain a few pounds by the end of their first year. Their regular at home diet is often replaced by cafeteria food three times a day and pizza on the weekends. But maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding the dreaded freshman 15 can be done with a few simple steps. 1) Put a cap on is the amount of daily caffeine. This is … Continue reading

Staying Slim During the Holidays

Once again, we are in the midst of the time of year when we are surrounded by all kinds of food temptations and holiday celebrations. It is also a time when many of us are feeling more stressed than usual and there doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day to get everything done. All of these factors lead many people to gain weight over the next month and then have to make a resolution to lose it in the New Year. By making some efforts to not put on extra pounds during this time, you may just be … Continue reading

Denny’s: Fit & Fare

Almost a decade ago, I watched a movie called Demolition Man starring Sylvester Stallone and Sandra Bullock. In all likelihood, it was more than a decade ago, but ten years is my story and I’m sticking to it. Anyway, the point is in this movie, Stallone wakes up from a few decades of being in a deep freeze to a world where Taco Bell won the franchise wars and now serves exceptionally healthy and nutritious meals, commercial jingles were music entertainment staples and anything not deemed good for you was therefore bad and therefore illegal. Followed all that did you? … Continue reading

Eating Out Without Guilt

In today’s fast world filled with full and stressful workdays, busy schedules, kids and families and the need to cram twenty-eight hours into twenty-four hours, eating outside the home has become more the norm for many people. One horrendous part of dieting is the guilt that a dieter feels when eating out in a restaurant. Most people live for eating out. After working all day, the idea of coming home to cook and then clean up the mess that goes along with cooking has become less and less appealing. Going out to eat has turned into a need rather than … Continue reading

Foods That Can Cause Weight Gain

Today, we are surrounded by food choices that not only do not help us when dieting, but also can actually cause weight gain. Between the fast food restaurants at every corner, high-calorie coffee drinks like Mochachinos, and grocery stores filled with snack foods, it is no surprise that many people have difficulties losing pounds or just maintaining their current weight. By avoiding some key foods and remembering to keep everything in moderation, people can keep up with their busy life without gaining weight. One major problem for many people on the run between work and home life is fast food. … Continue reading

10 Fast Fat Reducers for Your Diet

Losing weight means reducing fat. Reducing fat in your food can help you reduce how much fat can be turned into body fat. So here are 10 fast fat reducers that will help you with your dieting plans. These are also easy to add into any dietary program or eating habit. Switch to skim or non-fat milk for your cooking, cereal or drinking needs Use non-stick cookware to reduce having to use oil, butter or fat when cooking Slice your own cheese, you can then buy cheese that is made from low-fat dairy products Cut off the visible fat on … Continue reading