Online Calorie Trackers

One of the hardest parts of any diet is trying to keep track of your intake versus your output. An online calorie tracker can make your job easier, if you can maintain your entries and calculations. There are a growing number of online calorie trackers that are available provide dieters with a lot of options and make it easier for dieters to gain control of what they are eating with just a few clicks of a mouse button. Calorie consumption can easily exceed limitations without proper tracking and documentation. It’s especially hard for dieters who are traveling a great deal … Continue reading

Weight Loss – Summer Tips to Sticking to your Diet

Here in Texas, we’ve broken the 3 digit temperature every day for three days. Welcome to April in the south. As much as it’s nice to say welcome to the lazy days of summer; we all know that summer is hardly a lazy time for us. Our kids will be home from school, they’ll have summer camps, they’ll want to go swimming and they’ll want to play with their friends. We’re going to have a lot to do ourselves and these are just activities that we’re going to be adding to our busy summer days. So rather than telling you … Continue reading

Fast Food Facts

When was the last time you went to McDonald’s or any other fast food restaurant? Come on – we’ve all done it. The hotter it gets outside, the more we’re out and about and the less we want to spend an hour cooking on a hot stove. It’s really easy to pull up to the drive through and feed the kids and ourselves on a fairly low budget. Still, when it comes to fast food – there’s a really good way to talk yourself out of that drive-through and back to the stove – hot or not. McDonald’s Double Quarter … Continue reading

Breakfast – The Power Meal

Mom always told you that breakfast was the most important meal of the day and she was right. When you eat breakfast every day, you are helping yourself to: Stay Slim Stay Healthy Stay Sharp Weight loss advocates encourage you to eat regular meals at regular intervals throughout the day. Breakfast is a critical meal because breakfast eaters are far less likely to be overweight than those of us who skip breakfast. Your diet is more likely to be successful when you eat breakfast than when you do without. By eating a healthy breakfast, you are limiting the excess hunger … Continue reading

Slim Fast – Fact or Myth?

I was a huge fan of Slim Fast shakes when I was younger. I didn’t drink them because they were good for me. I didn’t drink them because they were part of a diet plan. I drank them because I liked the way they tasted. When I was older and decided that I needed to diet to trim the weight I’d put on after the baby, I remembered my great affection for Slim Fast and went gung ho for the diet plan. I drove to a Sam’s and picked up two cases of Slim Fast Shake Cans. Anything to make … Continue reading

Super Bowl Recipes and Diet Tips

Think You Have to Stay Home and Watch the Super Bowl While Eating a Salad? Think again. Yes, we’re hitting another dieter road block—the Super Bowl. Just a mere week away,the Super Bowl doesn’t mean just watching football and a bunch of great commercials. To me, it means beer, chips and dips and greasy meatballs simmering in some kind of sauce that I shouldn’t be eating. If you’ve been reading this blog at all—you know the standards that apply to stick to your diet in these types of situations… 1. Eat a small meal before you go. You’ll be less … Continue reading