The Value of the Free Day

“Why do all the diets coming out now recommend a “free day” when you can eat anything you want, even junk food? Doesn’t this defeat the whole purpose of dieting all week?” The value of the Free Day is two-fold. 1. Knowing that you only have to hang in there for six days and can then eat everything you were craving helps you keep your head in the game. It helps you to stay positive about what you’re doing. When you’re sitting down to your fourth meal of chicken breast and steamed vegetables and really starting to get down about … Continue reading

My Day on the Scarsdale Diet

This is a two-week diet that is high in fruits and vegetables, very low carbohydrate and fairly low in protein. See my original blog on the diet for full details. I decided it was time to try Scarsdale since it was one of the few diets I have not tried and I am trying to lose quite a few pounds of pregnancy weight. As you can see by the title of this blog, I didn’t quite make it the full two weeks. In fact, I didn’t even make it through the first day! I did lose two pounds that day … Continue reading

The Scarsdale Diet

This is an old diet that has been around for many years. I haven’t actually tried this version but it looks like a simple low calorie, low fat, low carb, drop a lot of weight in a week kind of diet. The first three days are starch free, so one is likely to drop a good bit of water weight initially. The rules of this diet are to drink at least four glasses of water per day and you can add the following condiments to your foods: herbs, salt, pepper, lemon, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, mustard and ketchup. You … Continue reading

New Nutrisystem Celebrity

Imagine my surprise when I saw Marie Osmond hawking Nutrisystem in a television commercial yesterday. I knew she had been on Dancing with the Stars and I also knew that she had lost a good deal of weight, but it seems her 40 pound weight loss was due to a combination of the Nutrisystem Program and rigorous Dancing with the Stars workout regimen. Way to go, Marie! When critics blasted her and said she must be anorexic, Marie set the record straight: “First of all, I can’t be anorexic. I like food too much. I’m not on diet pills. And … Continue reading

Are You Ready for Raw?

Sting, Angela Bassett, Woody Harrelson, David Bowie, Lisa Bonet, Robin Williams, Donna Karan, Alicia Silverstone and Demi Moore are a just a few of the celebrities you may have heard of who are eating raw foods and proud of it. We’re hearing more and more about raw food being all the rage these days so I thought it was high time we took a look at what this diet/lifestyle really entails. The raw food diet is all about eating living foods that still have all their healthy enzymes intact. For obvious reasons, this is a vegetarian diet that relies solely … Continue reading

What Can The Mediterranean Diet Do For You?

We keep hearing about the Mediterranean Diet but nobody tell us exactly what it is. We keep hearing about what it can do for those of us with heart disease, diabetes and arthritis and yet, where are the instructions? We’re told the Mediterranean Diet leads to a longer life. What we aren’t told is how to get started on the Mediterranean Diet. In the 1950s, Ancel Keys, a nutritionist, began what was called the Seven Countries which linked the eating patterns of Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, Finland, Netherlands, Japan and the United States. The study found that those who followed a … Continue reading

Faith-Based Weight Loss

Don’t discount this. More an more people are doing it and more and more people are succeeding at weight loss because of it! Where do most people go for support during difficult times? To church. Why? Because they feel a fellowship, a kinship even to the people they worship with. Well, Pastor Steve Reynolds is calling on his congregation to turn to God for the strength to fight their weight loss woes. It sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it? My guess is that nutritionists and exercise geeks will say it is a bunch of bunk but let’s think about this for … Continue reading

Lose 20 Pounds of Fat in 30 Days

Timothy Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Work Week, makes everything look possible. In fact, if you visit his website, you’ll see that he breaks it down and darned near anything is possible if you follow his example! I haven’t yet tried his method of losing 20 pounds of fat in 30 days, although I should. (Pesky pregnancy fat plagues me.) Given his other ideas, I am inclined to think he may have some good ideas about how to do this so let’s take a look at his proposal, shall we? He claims that, in the last six weeks, he has … Continue reading

Jenny Craig Changing Directions in 2008

By now you’ve probably seen the new Jenny Craig ad campaign starring Queen Latifah. In fact, you may have even seen one of those commercials back to back with a Pizza Hut commercial featuring her voice. Scary, huh? Which voice do you listen to? But I digress. Jenny Craig offered Kirstie a contract for 2008 but she declined. The word is that although Kirstie considers Jenny Craig the best weight loss program there is, she doesn’t see herself as a part of the new direction that the company is directing its ads. The new approach is less about dropping the … Continue reading

“Skinny B-tch”: Don’t Buy It!

PETA is coming out in full force these days. They claim that Brittney Spears’ problems are a result of her diet and now they’ve had two of their own publish what has been described as a “vegan manifesto” masquerading as a diet book. Veganism is a form of vegetarianism that rejects meat as well as any food that contains animal products such as milk, cheese, eggs, and honey. First of all, the authors of this book know nothing about weight loss. Their purpose in writing this book is not to help you lose weight but to mentally abuse you and … Continue reading