How I Punish Myself with My Weight

For the past few years or so my sense of style and who I am slowly crept away.  As the pounds packed on my style…who I was…fell away.  I didn’t realize it at first.  The two worked together to create the perfect storm that worked against any weight loss routine I started and any self esteem I had left.  Instead of shopping for clothing I liked I began to shop for anything to cover my body.  Clothing became my way of punishing myself for being overweight.  A body 20 pounds overweight does not deserve to be in fashion, right? I … Continue reading

Relying on Self-Discipline can be Disastrous

My dog must not have realized he easily could have escaped through the open gate.  He was so used to the gate being closed that if I let him out with the gate open he would not even notice or care.  After the gate broke, he was continually exposed to an open gate and yet stayed put.  Baby steps and soon he was running out of the gate.  The constant exposure was too much temptation for him to resist one moment longer. Oreos are my open gate.  I don’t mind the children having Oreos every now and again  Why should … Continue reading

Feeling Shame of Weight Gain

I make no secret that I have gained weight since the birth of my last (fourth) child. I thought with nursing the weight would melt off like with the others but no such luck. So after having a baby, not working out, and not watching what I eat the weight not only stuck but multiplied. Ever since I have struggled with losing weight in the midst of keeping up with kids, a business, and homeschooling. I have seen fat jeans become too small. I have been on the cusp of wearing plus size clothes. I have been ashamed of how … Continue reading

Stop Emotional Eating

We all experience stress in our lives. Sometimes we have more than other times but every time can be a challenge for an emotional eater. Eating can bring a sense of comfort and when we are stressed we want to be soothed if even for a moment. However the calories you will consume will last longer than a moment on your hips so you may want to reconsider grabbing the chips the next time stress enters you life. What steps can be taken? Ways to help curb emotional eating? Complex Carbohydrates: Consuming complex carbohydrates produces serotonin a chemical in the … Continue reading

Happy Eating

Do you eat based on how you feel physically or emotionally? How often do you run to the kitchen for a chocolate cupcake with a mountain of buttercream frosting because we are hungry? Hunger rarely asks for such sweet treats as that does nothing positive for the body. The need to eat craves foods your body needs. If you are sitting there thinking that you do get hungry and want a cupcake that is only because of how you conditioned yourself to eat. Most are wired to eat based on their preferences and their emotions. Food is often used as … Continue reading

Is Bitterness Causing Your Weight Gain?

It is well known that depression, guilt, anger, and low self-esteem can be at the root of excessive weight gain. Emotional eating will cause a person to enter into a vicious cycle of giving into food for comfort yet the weight gained will only cause more emotional issues. In Christian terms we call this giving into the flesh which reaps no joy. Many eat their way through emotions because facing the emotions head on is too difficult. No weight loss plan or workout routine can match the power of the voice in your head leading you to fail. Recently, it … Continue reading

Who is Poisoning Your Diet?

For those struggling with weight and desperately trying to shed pounds it is important to have the right attitude. As with most tasks the proper outlook makes a difficult task a little easier. As unfair as it may seem gaining weight is far easier than losing weight. In droves dieters don a sunny disposition, the latest headbands and sports gear, grab a sports drink and sweat to the oldies in an attempt to shed extra pounds. This works for some time until reality smacks them in the face like a burger hitting the grill when all the sweat accumulated into … Continue reading

Has Your Diet Fallen on its Face?

So what did it? Was it a cupcake with whipped frosting? Was it an extra serving of pasta? Was it that grande cup of full fat latte with real whipped cream and chocolate drizzle? Tell me what caused your diet to fall on its face. Maybe it wasn’t the food that tempted you but stress, feelings of low self esteem, or the decision to celebrate with too many calories. There are a million reasons from not being able to say no to dessert to a death in the family that can cause you to go off of your diet. There … Continue reading

Emotional Eating

Do you eat when you are bored, upset, happy, or frustrated? Many do and it leads to overeating and weight gain. Emotional eating can devastate a diet and lead to more intense feelings of guilt and frustration. Simply put, it is unhealthy to eat your way through emotions. “Emotional eating is eating for reasons other than hunger,” says Jane Jakubczak, a registered dietitian at the University of Maryland. “Instead of the physical symptom of hunger initiating the eating, an emotion triggers the eating.” Are you an emotional eater? How often do you find yourself with an intense and onset craving … Continue reading

I’m Bored Therefore I Eat

So there you are sitting at your desk with nothing to do but tap your pencil in a rhythmic motion to the annoyance of your co-worker in the next cubicle. While you were just getting the hang of tapping out the American anthem, you decide that vending machine is calling your name. Hmmm…what sounds good in this moment of sheer boredom? You can choose from a candy bar, chips, soda, or Little Debbies. Well, this is already working as the choosing process is already giving you something to do for the moment. As you slip your quarters in the machine … Continue reading