Acai Berry – a New Tool in Weight Loss

A few years ago, none of us even knew what an Acai berry was. Today, they’re everywhere. Let’s take a closer look into this little fruit and see if it’s everything it’s cracked up to be. The Acai berry (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is found in the Amazon Rainforest. It’s about the size of a marble, but is purple in color. About 90% of the fruit is actually a pit and only 10% is the edible fruit. It can’t be eaten until the pit and the pulp are separated from each other. What makes the Acai berry so unusual is the high … Continue reading

Smelling Your Way to Weight Loss

When I first read the title, “Use Aromatherapy to Help You Shed Pounds” I thought it was a joke. Seriously, how can sticking some essential oil in your home do anything besides make your home smell good? Not that I’m not all for yummy smelling homes–but don’t tell me that it will help you lose weight. Stress and Weight Gain Then I kept reading. I am not a stressed based eater. What I mean by that is I don’t tend to eat when I’m upset or stressed. In fact, I manage stress fairly well. I tend to eat when I … Continue reading