Exercise and Diet Together Help Weight Loss

Thinking about losing some weight? You’ve probably found tons of advice that suggests how to do that. Some of it might contradict the other pieces of advice. Those of you who are confused about what the best plan for weight loss is may want to consider what a recent study found. It turns out you need to focus on both exercise and diet together. A Stanford study about weight gain and obesity was making the rounds on the internet recently. The lead author of the study was Dr. Uri Ladabaum, a Stanford gastroenterologist. In short, he describes the results as … Continue reading

Ab Exercises

1. The Bicycle Exercise: targets the famous six pack muscles and the obliques. To begin, get into a supine position with hands at the back of your head. Bring knees to the chest while lifting shoulders off the floor. Slowly bring your right elbow towards your left knee as you straighten your right leg. Switch sides and continue in a pedaling motion. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 reps. 2. The Captain’s Chair Leg Raise: This is a great exercise but it requires a captain’s chair, or a rack with padded arms allowing for the legs to … Continue reading

Starting a New Routine

It is about time I reveal the fat behind the blog. Well, I have made no secret about struggling with weight for quite some time. I gained quite a bit of weight after my last child and it must like its new home because it isn’t budging. I, however, have made plans to evict it once and for all. I know how to lose weight. I know what prevents me from just getting up and working out. I have the answers and the solutions so isn’t it silly I hold on to them while gaining more weight? I struggled with … Continue reading

But I’m too tired, too hot, too busy….

What is your excuse? Do you find reasons to neglect your fitness routine or even to start one? It is easier to neglect it then to commit to a fitness routine. Sadly, it is also easier to gain weight then to lose weight. We develop bad habits that cause us to feel tired both physically and emotionally. If truth be told, you need to be ready physically and emotionally to begin a fitness routine if you hope to be successful. I know I have had every excuse in the book to not workout. I know I need to and I … Continue reading

Women’s Health Issue: Osteoporosis

A common health concern for women is the development of osteoporosis. According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, 75 percent of hip fracture related to osteoporosis is in women. Women have a smaller bone density than men and are more likely to lose bone density as they age which is part of the reason more women suffer from this condition than men. By 30, our bones will not gain any more bone mass. However, we can stop deterioration or prevent as much as possible if we are wise. What factors attribute to osteoporosis? Genetics Diet … Continue reading

4 Effective Bicep Exercises without Weights

Push Ups Simple and effective, push ups, are still a great exercise. Just lie down on your stomach and lift your body using the strength of your arms. We all have done a few in our time. Just keep doing it and your arms will get stronger. Pull Ups Pull ups are effective for the back as well as the biceps. It is a difficult exercise for the beginner so go easy at first. It difficult to lift your body weight as most people never have the opportunity to continually lift that amount of weight. To do pull ups at … Continue reading

Resistance Band Work-Out

I am the neglectful owner of Power 90. Remember that old work out DVD that was all the rage years ago? Well, I got it. I even used it. I did not use it for 90 days though. At that time, I was in better shape so I used it every now and again while still maintaining a work-out routine at the gym. Anyway, when you purchased Power 90 you got resistance bands to go with it. I love those bands. It makes doing a challenging work-out at home easy. You can use them for an all over work-out routine. … Continue reading

Exercises you can start now!

Exercising is hard enough to fit in your day without having to drive to the gym or buy extra equipment. Let’s face it unless you force a new routine a new routine will not occur. Funny thing about routines; in order to become a routine you must do it over and over again until it becomes habit. Habits are notoriously hard to break. Even harder then breaking one is creating a new one. However, once you get past the hard work you will be on your way to improving your life. Starting an exercise routine is one of those life … Continue reading

Alternatives to Going to the Gym

During the month of January work out facilities, the YMCA and local gyms explode with new members. January is the month of resolutions and the number one resolution is losing weight. A logical step in losing weight is working out. A logical place to work out is in an established fitness center. So, one thing leads to another and the fitness centers are slammed. The wait for a treadmill could rival the wait for Space Mountain. Then something strange happens in February. By the time Valentine’s Day rolls around the treadmill is not longer the most popular machine on the … Continue reading

Burning Calories Inside this Winter

As the weather gets colder many begin to shut down and hibernate for the winter. The hibernation you put yourself in can lead to a very overweight spring. It is important to stay active all year long regardless of the weather otherwise your consumed calories will sneak up on you. I have a tendency to stay indoors and home more during the winter months. Staying home has never been good for the size of my hips. To combat that I had to find ways to stay active indoors during those cold gray months. Activities to Keep You Moving During the … Continue reading