Should You Exercise When You are Sick?

It is the time of year when colds, sinus infections, flu, and illness spread like wildfire.  Every time I talk to someone or check Facebook, I hear of more people sick.  I have been sick a few times this year already.  My sinuses like to war against me when the weather can’t decide which way it wants to go. I had a terrible sinus infection and I am on the verge of another one.  It is the same story for many plus the flu stories I am hearing.  Makes you want to hold your breath when you go in public. … Continue reading

Another Injury

I want to thank my wonderful readers for sticking with me through a knee injury and an ankle injury. Now, I ask you to stick it out with me as I recover from a strain in my chest muscle. I injured my knee in a car accident and I was out of commission for about a year. Moving a bookcase, I injured my ankle when it fell on me. I was out of commission for a few months but not back to normal for about six months. This time, I have no idea what I did. If I had to … Continue reading

Comfort for Sore Feet

Sore feet can prevent you from taking another step. It is hard enough to mentally prepare for working out you do not need another issue to keep you on the couch. I know what it is like to have sore feet. It makes you want to sit down and watch a movie as opposed to walking a few miles. I have a constant struggle with my heel causing me pain. When I wake up in the morning the pain is at its worst. It makes me want to sit back down but as a mom of four that is impossible … Continue reading

Heel Pain

For a few months or so I would get heel pain as I stepped out of bed in the morning, the pain would dissipate as I moved and then vanish. It would reappear after sitting for awhile at times but would never last for long. It did not prevent me from walking with the kids or working out. It seemed to only be a problem on some mornings and rarely after sitting for a while. Then recently, the pain did not dissipate as the day went on. It was on and off all day long. I thought I may have … Continue reading

Apology to my New Running Shoes

Dear New Running Shoes, I know you were built with the structure to protect a runner from the harshness of running on the hard ground. You are fully capable and ready to absorb shock so your runner doesn’t have to. You were made for speed and you are practically jumping out of the box to hit the track. Your lines and colors that can be seen from miles around are waiting to become a blur to all those around. I admire your dedication to protecting your runner and helping your runner achieve great feats of running success. I know you … Continue reading

When “It” Happens

Adding anything into a tight schedule is a challenge. Adding in working out into a tight schedule can be next to impossible. I feel that way mostly because the thought of working out makes me want to crawl under a rock. I do not hate working out. I hate working out in this overweight body. When I was in shape, I enjoyed working out. There was a time I worked out twice a day. I enjoyed the energy and strength I had from sticking to a work out routine. Then, it happens. The “it” is different for everyone. However, “it” … Continue reading

Ankle Injury Exercises

Not long ago I injured my ankle. I was moving a bookcase and it fell over and scraped my ankle hard. So hard it immediately swelled up like a grapefruit and hurt terribly. I had to have it in an air cast for about a month. It still can cause me issues which is not surprising with ankle injuries. The most commonly injured joint is the ankle. The reason it can continue to be a problem is because it is one of the joints in the body which carries a significant portion of the weight. The best way to start … Continue reading

Working Out: Bad for your heart?

I am not a runner. I never have been and I never plan to be one. However, it is one of those fitness endeavors that I always wanted to do. Runners look so healthy and fit. They seem superior to the less fit humans on the planet somehow. A person who can run fast or long distances is impressive and admired. My husband was a runner and he still loves to watch track. I do not see the draw to watching track. Just sitting there watching someone run around is not entertaining to me. Yet, I longed to be someone … Continue reading

Started Using Muscles They Forgot About

AS I mentioned in my last entry my whole family is on this weight loss journey with me. My middle son is so proud of the progress he is making. He has a goal of being healthier basketball player. All three of the kids joined the local basketball team and a condition of it was they had to eat healthier, drink more water and use the exercise bike for 30 minutes 2 times a day. Before we started our weight loss journey my son would always ask for soda or milk to drink; however now when he asks for a … Continue reading

Do the Shoes Matter?

Having an athletic husband and son, I know a bit about shoes. I have to say that I never paid much attention to which shoes I wore when I worked out. I just assumed that any shoe would do the job since I was not doing anything athletic or running. However, I have friends who tell me how much switching shoes improved their workout. My husband insists shoes can make or break your workout. Even my 11 year old son knows exactly what he needs to play baseball, basketball, soccer, football or whatever sport he is interested in at the … Continue reading