Curried Pumpkin Soup

Soup and pumpkins are beautiful signs of fall. Combining the two will warm up a cool autumn evening. The soup is great paired with a salad or a sandwich. Keep the recipe on hand for Thanksgiving celebrations. You may want to have it on hand to give to your guests as they are sure to ask you for the recipe. I was surprised that a few of my kids also liked pumpkin soup. Normally, I make butternut squash soup but this goes over a bit better. If you don’t like curry the omit and get creative. Think about how squash … Continue reading

Five Foods Keeping You Fat

Soda pop While soda is not a food it is packed with enough sugar and calories to break any diet. The high fructose corn syrup is already a huge mark against this choice. It is easy to drink calories so you need to be very careful. Just two cans of soda will give you over 60 grams of sugar and almost 300 calories. Diet soda will not get you off the hook. Studies have linked diet soda to weight gain as well. French fries It should not be surprising to find French fries on a list of the worst fatty … Continue reading

Simple Breakfasts

I am not a fan of breakfast. I wake up hungry every now and then but mostly I wake up thirsty for a hot cup of coffee. Not eating breakfast has been my problem for years. I just do not feel like eating as soon as I wake up. I feel even less like making breakfast. Even if the stars align correctly and I wake up hungry for solid food, feel energetic enough to make breakfast, I still am not fond of traditional breakfast food. I know, I am beyond difficult. Enjoying breakfast, outside of being served in a restaurant, … Continue reading

Pancake Day

When I told my so it was National Pancake Day, he almost jumped out of his skin with excitement. He loves making pancakes almost as much as he loves eating them. Yet, we all know that white flour, sugar, and syrup are not part of a healthy diet. Since I am trying to cut down on refined sugar and white flour in my family, I challenged him to find a recipe to suit out new changes. He found a fantastic recipe that is so good you won’t miss a thing. I did not use syrup on my pancakes. I substituted … Continue reading

Late Night Cravings

One if my biggest obstacles in dieting is the late night cravings. I stay up late to get work done and end up getting hungry. I really need to turn my night owl into an early bird to avoid this trap altogether. A lack of sleep and overeating are obvious factors in weight gain. It is hard to be really hungry at night and not indulge. So, I end up eating whatever is quick, easy, and usually bad for me. Through the desperate eyes of fatigue and hunger I can justify eating a bowl of ice cream if it is … Continue reading

Low Fat Banana Muffins

We already discussed how healthy bananas are for you and now it is time to incorporate them into your diet. Of course, bananas are great sliced on top of cereal, right out of the peel, or in a fruit salad. However, one of my favorite ways to eat bananas is baked in muffins. I love muffins with coffee in the morning. My kids love muffins anytime. We all know that muffins are not known for being low fat but with the right ingredients you can make a delicious treat you can feel good about serving and eating. Low Fat Banana … Continue reading

Health Benefits of Bananas

Bananas are not my favorite fruit. I never cared much for them even as a kid. I do not care for banana flavored items such as smoothies or juice. Once, my husband went to grab me a coffee and it was, yes you guessed it, banana flavored. I believe it was a chocolate banana mocha. I think even banana enthusiasts would find that a bit strange. My non-coffee drinking husband thought it sounded interested. It tasted like coffee with banana flavoring. At any rate, my kids and husband love bananas but I pretty much reserve them for banana bread. I … Continue reading

Fat Burning Foods

Eating to burn calories sounds crazy. However, there are foods that aid in speeding up your metabolism. These are foods you need to implement in your diet if you want to jumpstart your weight loss plan. Now, these foods will not do all the work for you. It is also possible to lose weight without eating these foods. However, it is nice to know that there is a little help from nature out there for our weight loss goals. Here are just a few of the foods that help burn off calories and speed up your metabolism. Hot Peppers: Capsaicin … Continue reading

Blueberry French Toast

Blueberries are an amazing berry to add to your diet. Blueberries make a great snack all by themselves. Sprinkle some on cereal or oatmeal in the morning or in yogurt for a snack. The immense health benefits, which include weight management, and great taste make it an easy way to introduce healthy foods to your family. Kids love blueberries. Finding family friendly health foods is as easy as visiting a fruit market. My son would eat an endless supply of blueberries if I allowed it. When he was little, he ate so many he made himself sick. Here are just … Continue reading

Cherries: The Superfruit

Cherries are not only only great tasting but great for your health. My daughter can eat a whole bowl of cherries. After you read the health benefits you may want to start eating cherries by the bowl. It seems the benefits never cease so it is a good thing they taste so yummy! Medicine never tasted so good. I have listed just some of the benefits of cherries but there are so many more! This is just touching the surface why you should add them to your diet. I know they are expensive and that often keeps me from buying … Continue reading