Meal-in-a-Bun by Lifestyle Chefs

The roughest part of dieting is finding tasteful things to eat especially quick lunches and snacks. After you get tired if chewing on carrots and dipping celery you may be looking for another option. I know there are times I want a filling and hot lunch of snack that will not break my diet and is healthy. Sadly, that quest can be challenging. But it is a quest worth taking with all the temptation on the grocery shelves and sometimes in our own fridge. Recently, I found a get solution right in my freezer. A simple solution that is healthy, … Continue reading

Ziplist: Making Grocery Shopping Easy

I hate grocery shopping. It is falls only second to laundry on my list of household duties I would rather not do. I never know what I am buying because I never have a well planned list. I try looking up recipes to find fun new ideas and form lists based off of that. Yet, I am always forgetting something at the store. It doesn’t help having a family who is picky about what they eat so the question, “What’s for dinner?” is never pleasant to answer. What I end up doing is spending more money on buying foods I … Continue reading

Have your ice cream and eat it too!

Sadly no matter how you slice it or shake it, ice cream is not good for you. However, you can make it better for you by making it homemade with fresh ingredients and less sugar. Homemade ice cream gives you the ability to be creative and to add ingredients you have complete control over. With summer coming we know we will be tempted by ice cream. Instead of eating high fat, high sugar, and possibly chemical filled, store bought ice cream, make your own with low fat and healthy ingredients. Click on over to Kitchn for a super healthy recipe … Continue reading

Benefits of Basil and Recipe

Basil is one of my mother’s favorite herbs. She uses in a multitude of Italian dishes. One of her favorite things to use it for is tomato sauce. I also love to use basil and I love the smell of it. Basil goes well with most pasta dishes and especially pesto. It is also easy to grow on your windowsill. Just pull off the leaves you need to use and enjoy the fragrance in the meantime. But the big question is how healthy is it for you? Health Benefits of Basil The essential oil of basil is known to inhibit … Continue reading

Health Benefits of Cantalope

When the warm weather hits and cantaloupes make their first appearance at the Farmer’s Market my kids are in heaven. We buy plenty of it and even the kids in the neighborhood come over for this treat. They get just as excited about cantaloupe as popsicles. That is fine by me because I would rather serve a healthy treat than give frozen sugar. Cantaloupes are so good you can forget they are good for you. My 7 year old asked me the other day if they were good for you and how. She is a very inquisitive child and knows … Continue reading

Fun 100 Calorie Snack Foods

Looking for a snack but don’t want to blow your diet? The magic number is 100. Picking a snack that is no more than 100 calories will not impact your diet negatively. Sticking to that rule will allow you some fun snacks during those times you just want to munch on something or need something sweet. For instance 2 Oreos or 4 ounce chocolate pudding will satisfy your sweet tooth and not wreck your diet. What other fun 100 calorie snacks are there? 1 Cup of frozen grapes (any kind) 1 block or 3 squares of dark chocolate 6 ounces … Continue reading

It’s Griling Time: Fruit

Grilling time is one of the best times of year! We know all about grilling veggies, burgers, steaks, fish, and chicken but what about fruit? Have you grilled fruit before? Fruit is great for grilling since it is mostly water and sugar. Once grilled it concentrates and it becomes super sweet and delicious. Soak fruit in very cold water before grilling to maximize the water it holds so it stays juicy and sweet. The best fruit to grill are apples, pineapples, and pears due to being firm in nature. Softer fruit such as peaches, plums and mangoes need to be … Continue reading

24 Reasons to Eat Asparagus

Since asparagus is harvested by hand it, asparagus is fairly expensive compared to most vegetables. However, do not let the price scare you off. Asparagus is delicious and the health benefits are worth every penny. Asparagus is easy to prepare. I simply sauté it in a pan with olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper. My family loves it so we have it quite often. It is an expense but since it is so healthy and a vegetable my family can agree on it makes it worth the added expense. Keep an eye out for deals and pick the skinny ones … Continue reading

Health Benefits of Cauliflower

Of all the vegetables in the produce aisle, I would have assumed the cauliflower had the least nutrition. For some reason it always appeared to me that cauliflower was filler or garnish. It just didn’t look terribly healthy to me. In fact, it looks like a replica of a brain if you look close enough. No? Perhaps, I’ve watched too much late night TV. However, to my surprise cauliflower is actually good for you. I realize that isn’t too surprising but it exceeded my expectations on some of the benefits. *Cauliflower is an excellent source of Vitamin C, manganese, and … Continue reading

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

In honor of National Florida Tomato Month and my love for tomatoes, I want to share more about this delicious veggie. Of course, many call it a fruit. Technically it is a fruit but the Supreme Court declared it a vegetable back in the 1800s. Is that silly or what? Perhaps if they allowed it to be called a fruit more children would eat it. Now that is silly. Tomatoes were once though to be poisonous which prevented it from becoming a hand fruit like an apple. Tomatoes are certainly good enough to eat right off the vine. In addition … Continue reading