National Florida Tomato Month

April is National Florida Tomato Month. I love tomatoes. I can get a tomato right out of the garden. I have always been able to grow the best grape tomatoes. My regular tomatoes always tended to have a muted taste. However, my kids and I would eat handfuls of the grape tomatoes as we were bringing them back to the house. One year we ate so many tomatoes that my kids decided to ban tomato eating. I never got tired of them. I look forward to growing more grape tomatoes and trying yet again to grow a tasty regular size … Continue reading

Eat Your Brussels Sprouts

You do not have to tell me twice to eat my Brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts are one of my favorite vegetables. While my husband and son are not so fond of them, my girls and I love them. They are like mini cabbages that hold in flavor beautifully. I simply sauté them in butter or olive oil with garlic, salt and pepper. Sometimes I add a little lemon but mostly I just make them simple. I serve them with any main dish. However, I have been known to eat them like a snack. We prefer fresh over frozen. The frozen … Continue reading

Top 10 Diet Tips, Part 2

6. Get moving: There are no two ways around it. Seemingly, someone always tries to avoid the reality that physical activity is a key element in losing weight. Just park a little farther out on your way into the grocery store or work. But not McDonald’s, you shouldn’t be there anyway. Take up a sport of a family activity, just get moving! 7. Set realistic goals: Nothing is more frustrating then not loosing 20 pounds by the weekend. It seems like an attainable goal on Monday but by Wednesday you realize it was only a pipe dream. Losing weight is … Continue reading

Top 10 Diet Tips, Part 1

1. Drink plenty of water: I know we all have heard this piece of advice many times. However, it is still one of the best tips you will get. Just make sure to replace your sugary sodas and juices with water. If you do not like the taste of plain water or you bore easily then add some citrus to jazz it up. 2. Ask yourself if you are really hungry: Are you hungry? Are you? Are you?? Perhaps you are just bored or even thirsty. If you find yourself hungry during an odd time then drink a large glass … Continue reading

Celery: What can you do with it?

Celery is an unassuming vegetable. It is common in salads, soups, and stews. Mostly you see it alongside hot wings with creamy blue cheese dressing. Some will eat it celery sticks for lunch. You scoff? My father eats carrot sticks and celery sticks for lunch and has been for many years. He is pretty healthy also and has maintained a normal weight. I do not purchase much celery unless I am making a stew or mixing it with onions and carrots for a soup. I just never saw much of a use for it. It is a great snack for … Continue reading

National Nutrition Month: Add Vanilla for Flavor

In celebration of National Nutrition Month, I want to introduce you to a fantastic resource. The Essential Guide to Healthy Healing Foods by Shanta Retelny is a book anyone interested in the healing properties of food needs to have on hand. “It’s vital for diets to include nutrition dense foods that are jammed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. That generally means avoiding foods that are high in sugar and fat, but doesn’t mean you have to give up your indulgences altogether. Alternatives to enhance flavor exist such as cinnamon or vanilla,” said Victoria Shanta Retelny, R.D., L.D.N. and author of … Continue reading

Is Yogurt Healthy or Not?

When I was in high school, a girl asked me if I liked yogurt. I said that I did. She immediately turned around and said to the girl behind her, “See, I told you only thin people like yogurt.” Yogurt has long been associated with diets and weight loss. But is it really a key element in losing weight? Is it even healthy to eat? Another memory I have of yogurt is TCBY. Do you remember the little frozen yogurt shop called TCBY? I remember going to TCBY with my mom and friends and eating a large frozen yogurt. The … Continue reading

March and Food Holidays

I love food holidays. If you have stuck around awhile you know that I often write about national food holidays. I think its fun and a great excuse to try a new food or recipe. As a homeschooling mom, I have a tendency to make lesson out of everything and enjoy themes. So, I guess monthly food holidays appeal to me on a few different levels. As I searched the food holidays for March, I came up with eight national food month long “holidays”. Eight is quite a bit. I often wonder who came up with all of this. Can … Continue reading

Pancake Week: Pancake Mix Recipe

Pancakes are one of the few things I enjoy eating for breakfast. However, I have to say it is one the things I like to make the least. My son makes awesome pancakes but even he gets tired of making them. No one in my family likes the mixes you find at the grocery store. So, to make quick, homemade tasting, super healthy pancakes, you have to make your own mix. It is not heard and will come in handy on lazy Saturday mornings. Super Healthy Pancake Mix Recipe Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups whole-wheat flour 1 cup buttermilk powder 5 … Continue reading

National Pancake Week

Get ready breakfast lovers! The fourth week of February is National Pancake Week. The week my son lives for…that is if he knew there was such thing as National Pancake Week. I may not be able to reveal this little bit of knowledge since he is a pancake lover and will insist we eat pancakes all week long. However, that may not be a bad thing since he is the one who makes the pancakes. He makes the best pancakes but pancakes are not usually known for being diet friendly. Most pancakes are just carbs topped with sugar. How can … Continue reading