Poor Girl’s Fitness Retreat

Fitting in a new fitness routine can be challenging. It can be so challenging that one decides to not even bother. I have found that if I start working out then I can continue with decent results. However, the thought of fitting in something into an already overfilled schedule is nerve racking. Sometimes the best way to get started is to leave it all behind and focus on fitness for a few days or so. The focus will give you the motivation to continue and the time will give you a new perspective on your schedule so you can successfully … Continue reading

Get a jump on fitness

The weather is warming up and before you know it swimsuit season will be here. Are you ready? There is still time to look and feel better for the beach. The key is starting today. Make one healthy choice and then make another. The more healthy decisions you make the closer you will be to your goal. Tips to Jump Start Your Weight Loss and Fitness Routine. *Start right now. No excuses. No delays. No last minute cheeseburger and fries. *Go on a fruit and vegetable fast for two to three days. This fast can help clear your mind and … Continue reading

Jumping in with Both Feet

If you cannot be honest with yourself, who can you be honest with? It is important to be honest about your weaknesses, eating habits, and what you are willing to sacrifice, before beginning a diet. Do not go into a new lifestyle without the willingness to let go of your old lifestyle. Be careful of jumping into something new with both feet if one foot is unwilling to jump. That one foot can keep you from attaining your goals. You need to figure out what is holding you back. Is it lack of sleep? Is it nighttime cravings? Is it … Continue reading

Feel Like Giving Up?

I do. I feel like giving up all the time. I admit it. I don’t mind the dieting so much. I am not one to find comfort in food and I love vegetables. I feel like giving up when it comes to working out. I find it discouraging. Yes, discouraging. Once upon a time, I was in good shape. I worked out a few hours a day. I ate all the right foods. I felt great. I looked great, if I do say so myself. I have no clue what I weighed because while I looked good, vanity lost all … Continue reading

Tomorrow is Monday

Tomorrow is Monday. Monday, the day all diets doomed to failure begin. When we wait for Monday we are actually procrastinating and dreading the diet we will begin. Monday diets are doomed to failure because the attitude is faulty. The attitude tends toward an unwillingness to start that every minute to change your health for good. Why does the “I’ll start my diet on Monday” attitude lead to failure? *Because it shows an attitude that is not committed to the process of losing weight. *Because it shows the dieter already feels it is unimportant. *Because it shows an attitude that … Continue reading

Tools for Success

I have never successfully lost weight from any diet program. Why? Because I have never been a part of a diet program before. I never followed any crazy diet, fad diet, or new and improved diet on the market. I never took diet pills, diet supplements or diet drinks. I have tried a thermogenic before to increase my metabolism. I still have no idea if it ever worked or not. I never purchased expensive meal plans. I never hired a personal trainer. Yet, I have successfully lost weight in my life. After having my second baby I lost all my … Continue reading

Mind Body Blast eCourse

When I first heard of a fitness class being conducted online I was not sure what to think. Would an online class provide the motivation and support necessary to attain fitness goals? Mind Body Blast is an eCourse designed to get you started on your way in just six weeks. The course is not just another diet program as the focus is learning the path of healthy choices which result in a healthy body. Exercise, tips, education on nutrition, and making wise dietary decisions are part of the course. The course is also not a cover to buy equipment, supplements, … Continue reading

Dieting Pitfalls

Pitfall 1: The Monday Dieter By the time you remember you wanted to start your diet on Monday you already ate a package of Twinkies and its Thursday. Did you know that diets that start on Wednesday are just as likely to produce positive results as those started on Monday? There is nothing magical about Monday. We tend to want a fresh start and want to evaluate our weight loss goals in weeks. As long as you evaluate your diet in weeks and not pounds or daily accomplishments you will be on the vicious Monday cycle. Every day is the … Continue reading

Falling into a Slump?

Fall is here and for many that means sinus and allergy season is in full swing. Sinus pressure sets in and your head pounds. Taking allergy medicine only makes you want to sleep. Soon a little sinus trouble turns into a sinus infection. All the pressure and misery makes you feel like sleeping or just sitting and waiting for your allergy medicine to kick in. Once it does you may feel like sleeping the day away. Soon you realize you missed a day of working out. One day leads to two days and two days leads to three and so … Continue reading

Need Support: Start a Facebook Page for Weight Loss Support

I saw a documentary that stated one in twelve people have an internet account in the world. With so many on Facebook you are certain to find someone you know who is also interested in weight loss. It is well know that those who have a solid support system are more likely to reach their weight loss goals. Think about starting a group today. Benefits: Long Distance Friends: With a virtual group no one is excluded. You can have friends from all over the world participate. For those in small towns or new to a city having Facebook as a … Continue reading