Losing It: And Gaining My Life Back One Pound at a Time

Valerie Bertinelli has been seen lately on magazine covers and on a variety of talk shows thanks to her recent weight loss success. Valerie, now a Jenny Craig spokeswoman, has lost 30 pounds and looks wonderful. I caught a glimpse of her one day last week on a talk show and she is just glowing as if to say, “I cannot believe that I did it!” What I find remarkable and an oddity is that Valerie does not seem as affected as some that have reached stardom do. It is a good thing to see that she is a “real” … Continue reading

Kudos to Valerie!

Recently Valerie Bertinelli was shown on a magazine cover sporting a bikini and she looks fantastic! Two years ago Valerie weighed 172 pounds. She is 5’4” and was 40 pounds heavier than what she felt was ideal for her. Valerie owes this weight loss to hard work through exercising and dieting. She used the Jenny Craig method and lost the weight. She got down to her goal of 132 pounds. To get fit she walked 10,000 steps every day. She then hired a personal trainer to help her get in shape for a bikini, which she had not worn in … Continue reading

Weight Loss: Jean Nidetch, Weight Watchers Founder

Jean Nidetch, founder of the well-known Weight Watchers, was born Jean Slutsky in October of 1923 in New York. Weighing only 7 pounds and 3 ounces when she was born her weight quickly soared. An overweight child, she states that not fully remembering, but she thinks that whenever she was sad, she was given food to comfort her. Not without friends, she had an outgoing personality. Her friends were also overweight, however. Intending to finish college her plans were halted in 1942 when her father passed away. She went to work for the Internal Revenue Service instead and remained there … Continue reading

Weight Loss: Richard Simmons, Dieting and Fitness Guru

You either love Richard or you cannot stand him. With his passionate plea to millions, he encourages others to get healthy and live longer. Sensitive in nature, Richard knows all to well the struggle to lose weight. Richard was in search of help to guide him in his weight loss efforts in 1973. After finding none, he created his own. At 268 pounds upon high school graduation, he learned to be funny and entertaining to gain acceptance. Growing up in New Orleans he struggled to fight off the traditional cuisine there, which was mostly sweets. He tried one diet after … Continue reading

Losing Weight as a Couple

I was reading online just now about a couple who has set the goal to lose weight together. After seven weeks, he has lost twenty-three pounds and she has lost seventeen. They’re ecstatic about their progress and plan to continue on until they’ve reached their goals. Reading their story got me to thinking, is it a good idea or a bad idea to diet along with your spouse? On the plus side, if both you and your spouse are dieting, you only have to cook one meal. You can make up that chicken breast and salad and not be staring … Continue reading

Tweaking the Diet

I received this email and since there is so much in it that we can all learn from, I wanted to share it and my response: “My husband said he read something that said it was dangerous to consume less than 1200 calories per day without a doctor’s supervision. I’ve been averaging around 950 calories per day for my meals. I have lost 24 lbs, averaging 0.6 lbs/day, 4 lbs/wk. I have been surprised by my progress, but I feel great, lots of energy, etc. I have a basal metabolic rate of approx. 15 calories per day per pound of … Continue reading

Do You Want to be a Buff Mother?

I came across a website called www.buffmother.com and just had to share it with you. Michelle Berger is the BuffMother. In a span of five years, she had four kids. Then, in the fifth year, she won five NPC (National Physique Committee) titles. Her rally cry is “You can be buff after having children. I am living proof!” I have to tell you, after checking out her photos, I have to agree that she is one buff mother and I certainly wouldn’t mind following in her footsteps! A little note about me: I’ve wanted to compete in women’s bodybuilding since … Continue reading

Are You a Weight Loss Success?

Do you have a weight loss success story? We want to hear about it! Beginning this month, I plan to start profiling weight loss success stories from the Families.com community. (I’ll even start with my own successful loss from 264 pounds to 170.) If you’d like to be profiled in a success story blog, please email me at LisaP@Families.com with the subject line: Success Story and include the following information: 1. Your name (or user name if you’d prefer not to share your real name). 2. How much weight did you lose? Feel free to include pounds, inches, bodyfat percentage, … Continue reading

A Success Story–Are YOU Next?

Today on the Rachael Ray Show, they featured a woman, (Renee Rheney) who wanted to lose weight, but just didn’t know how to go about it (sound familiar?). Renee was paired with another viewer (Jennifer Tuma) who had lost an amazing amount of weight, and today they brought both women back for an update. After two months, Renee has lost more than 25 pounds. So how did she do it? She started with a game plan. She first had to understand why diets don’t work. Then she figured out what to eat (and not to eat), started a food journal … Continue reading

Have You Seen Janet Jackson Lately?

Headlines hail her as “newly svelte” and tell us how she lost sixty pounds in four months. What the headlines don’t tell us is how she did it. You have to dig a little deeper for that information. So, before you get down on yourself for not being able to drop sixty in four, I’m going to let you in on Janet’s secrets! First of all, Miss Jackson has a Nutritionist. David Allen knows what he’s doing and has been doing it very well for the rich and famous for some time now. Check out his website here. David put … Continue reading