In Desperation of Thinness

I was reading an article the other day and discovered some interesting, although somewhat disturbing, information regarding statistics on thinness. It is really rather sad. Being thin is healthier for you, it is true. You are also more comfortable moving about when you are thin. Your clothes do feel better on you. As a whole, sadly, you are more accepted when you are a thinner person versus a heavier person. To what extent though do we take thinness? A recent poll of American women in a popular woman’s magazine found that out of the thousands that were questioned on the … Continue reading

Weight Loss Week in Review August 15 to August 24

Have you missed anything in the weight loss blog this week? The week in review is our way of catching you up. Grab a cup of coffee and sit down to peruse the blog, and catch up on your reading. August 15 Hey, You’re a Fatti Bumbalatti! No, I haven’t taken to insulting readers. This is an interesting article on a new weight loss tool–a personal robot. While I don’t think that the robot insults you into getting thinner, it does use one powerful psychological tool–guilt. Complete with moving eyes and speaking capabilities, researchers hope that by having someone remind … Continue reading

Weight Loss Blog Week in Review August 7 to August 10

This week the weight loss blog tackled more issues that affect dieters. From the controversial Kimkins diet to more Mission Possible to even ways to improve your weight loss success–we covered it here. Grab a glass of water, a healthy low fat snack and sit back and take a look at what reading you need to catch up on! August 7 Smelling Your Way to Weight Loss Have you ever considered using aromatherapy to help you achieve your goals in weight loss? While there is no magical ‘weight loss’ aroma that will suppress your appetite, aromatherapy can help with things … Continue reading

Weight Loss Blog Week in Review July 16 through July 22

This past week has been exciting in the weight loss as I’ve personally declared war on nonsense diets. To lose weight the equation is simple: eat less + move more = weight loss. Join me in my Mission Impossible series as I chronicle my weight loss journey to show everyone that it is not necessary to starve yourself in order to lose weight! July 16 Mission Possible: My Confession This is the first in the mission possible series and I confess that I need to lose weight. But I am determined to prove that you do not need a fad … Continue reading

Weight Loss Week in Review: July 3 through July 14

Tuesday, July 3 10 Tips on Eating Your Way Through the 4th of July Well, the 4th of July is long gone, but you can still review these 10 tips for holiday eating. The summer is still here and there are a whole month and a half left full of barbecues and backyard get togethers. Dad’s Losing It: It Was Good While It Lasted Continue following Jeff’s journey as he seeks to lose weight. How did he do over the holiday weekend? Friday, July 6 Alli-oops: Alli Users Commiserate Over Side Effects At this point, I’m not sure that Alli … Continue reading

Weight Loss Week in Review June 12 to June 22

You know when I start posting things from a few weeks ago, I have a lot going on. Sorry for the missing week in review but I have it for you now and I didn’t want to miss it. From the new weight loss drug Alli, to journaling your way to weight loss–we’ve covered more and more tips on how to get you losing weight and feeling great! Did you miss anything? Check it out here! Tuesday, June 12 Lose Weight by Eating More Can you really eat more to lose weight? The answer is a resounding yes! The trick … Continue reading

Weight Loss Blog Week in Review June 27 to July 1

Do you have to catch up on your reading in the weight loss blog? From new diets to new ways to motivate yourself–I’ve covered it. As always, I welcome your thoughts and ideas on how to make the weight loss blog even more fantastic! Saturday, June 30 The Magnetic Diet This diet is based on Eastern thought and says that each food has magnetic potential to either attract health and well being to your body or sickness and weakness to your body. If you’ve ever felt like what you really needed was a way to conquer your cravings and change … Continue reading

Weight Loss Week in Review June 4 to June 10

Are you all caught up on your weight loss reading? I know I got behind my writing just a wee bit this week. Nonetheless, we’ve had a full week here in weight loss. I hope you are able to find something helpful for you as you continue on your journey to a newer you. Monday, June 4 How Much Money Will You Spend to Shed a Pound? The business of losing weight is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. People are desperate for help and support and they’re willing to pay a pretty penny for it. This blog, the first … Continue reading

Weight Loss Week in Review: May 28 to June 2

You have likely figured this out by now, but I am covering the weight loss blog for awhile. I hope that you’ll join me, I have some exciting things planned, and of course I’ll always bring you good tips and ideas on reaching your weight loss goals. If you’ve missed any reading, here is our week in review. Saturday, June 2 Dad’s Losing It: The Best 8lbs. I’ve Ever Gained A big congratulations to our fun blogger Jeff Bogle, and his wife who welcomed a new baby into their house on Memorial Day. Read all about his ‘weight gain’ and … Continue reading

Schools Battle Childhood Obesity

Researchers from Indiana University and Ohio State studied the growth rates of body mass indexes of more than 5000 children. They found that the five and six year olds’ BMIs increased nearly twice as much during the summer than during the school year. The monthly growth rate of their BMIs decreased when school was in session. The researchers believe that the increase in weight was due to a more relaxed lifestyle. During the summer months, children have more leisure time to watch television, play video games, and be idle. In addition, they may have more time to snack on junk … Continue reading