Healthy Mac & Cheese

Nothing says comfort food like a bowl to mac and cheese. Especially to my kids! They love the stuff but to be honest, I hate giving it to them.  In my experience it either comes processed a in box or it is filled with high fat cheese, cream, and high carb pasta.  Tell me how you can call cheese a food once it is powered?  And the high fat cream and cheese in any meal cannot be healthy.  So, I had to search out a mac and cheese recipe that was kid friendly and healthy! Healthy Mac & Cheese INGREDIENTS … Continue reading

Fitting in Exercise and Active Play in Young Children

We live in a busy world.  Sometimes we are too busy to breathe much less find a workout routine that fits in with our schedules.  Somehow it has become popular to be overscheduled.  Busyness has become a state of being and if you aren’t busy then  you must be lazy or have no life.  Hold on.  Let’s rethink our busy lifestyles.  Cut out the fat in your schedule and you may cut out the fat around your belly as well as help your kids stay fit. Recess and gym are not nearly enough exercise for a child.  Most kids get … Continue reading

Tips for a Healthy Happy Birthday

Birthdays are a time of celebration.  Kids look forward to the gifts, balloons, candy, cake and ice cream.  It is a time to indulge.  However, indulging does not mean you have to regret eating a second piece of cake.  It does not mean you give up on health and reasonable portion sizes for the day.  Sure, you can stretch the boundaries of your diet a little.  I know my son wants to have his cake and eat it too on his birthday.  Yet, he also knows that an influx of sugar and fat are not good for his health.  While, … Continue reading

Teaching Kids to Eat Healthy

One of the best gifts we can give a child is how to eat healthy. Eating for your health is a habit that will last and benefit your child for a lifetime. The younger you begin the less resistance you will have when it comes to trading in the candy for fruit salad. The number one way to instill healthy eating habits is by displaying healthy eating habits. Nothing will effect your child more than having her see you make proper food choices and by serving healthy foods. Even if you previously had poor eating habits, it is not too … Continue reading

Benefits of Exercise in Children

It is not news that exercise has health benefits. Most people are aware that exercise can reduce your risk of chronic illness, help maintain a healthy weight, and even help you sleep better at night. Adults are filling up the gyms in an attempt to reclaim their health and their lost youth. However, we rarely think of kids and organized exercise. Kids are active and always playing so often times exercise is overlooked. Gym class in school only goes to the 9th grade and often it is not daily. While the problem of childhood obesity is on the rise and … Continue reading

Alternatives Treats for Halloween

Let’s face it, no one wants to be the house trick or treaters leave grumbling about only getting a new pencil or eraser set. We want to be the house that gives the treats and not the trick. However, with so many allergies, special diets, and attentiveness to health, alternatives to the common candy are in order. So what makes a good treat the kids will love without providing the sugar they do not need? Alternative Treats for Halloweeners Fruit: Grab a bowl and fill it with apples, oranges, bananas, kiwis, and pears. Allow e children to pick one. You … Continue reading

Healthier Halloween

Halloween goes hand in hand with candy which can lead to a sugar overload for your kids. The real scary story of Halloween is the amount of sugar consumed in one night. It can lead to tummy aches and kids who are up most of the night. Just when you think it is over you realize your kids brought home enough candy to last until the next Halloween. It is hard to encourage healthy eating with pounds of candy corn, chocolate bars, and bubble gum. What can you do to minimize the sugar over Halloween? Tips for Lower Sugar Halloween … Continue reading

A Healthier Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Organic Valley is hitting the road with a multi-city mobile tour urging parents to demand real food for real kids—all with the help of a more wholesome grilled cheese sandwich. Let’s face it, grilled cheese is a kid favorite even a favorite among adults. In addition to the plan to support healthier kids, Organic Valley has committed to donate $1 up go $25,000 for each pledge signature to Healthy Child Healthy World, a nonprofit and national leader whose goal is to empower parents to protect children from harmful chemicals. Healthy Child Healthy World is responsible for millions of people to … Continue reading

Summer is Time to Burn Calories

Summer is the time to get out and enjoy the sun. Don’t burn up indoors playing video games or watching TV. Burn calories and have fun playing outside with friends and family. It is vitally important that we teach our children to live an active lifestyle. They should enjoy physical activity. We do not have to turn them into athletes. The goal is to maintain a healthy weight and a healthy perspective on life. No child is happy playing on a screen all day long. They are simply complacent and lost on how to use their own imagination. Children who … Continue reading

Fun Summer Treats

Even though my appetite decreases in the summer my kid seem to be just as hungry as ever. When it is hot no one wants heavy meals so eating throughout the day is best. It is also important to stay hydrated in the hot summer days. So allowing the kids to graze on healthy refreshing snacks will keep them satisfied. I also like to make sure I have plenty of ice cold water on hand to prevent my kids from consuming too much sugar. Fun Snacks for Summer: Watermelon: It is sweet, refreshing, crisp, light, and full of water. Everyone … Continue reading