The Value of Modeling Fitness

Summer is on the way and I know you have your swim suit body ready. What? You were not diligent in preparing your suit? Well, no worries, I still have my winter body also. My son gains weight over the winter every year. Since all my typing doesn’t burn and all his video game thumb moves don’t burn enough calories, it is time to hit the gym and the trails. Or perhaps we will just play kickball, tennis, and some basketball. There are plenty of ways to burn calories and get in shape. The best way is to burn it … Continue reading

Fun Fruit Snacks: Welch’s Fruit Snacks

The name along inspires trust and quality. It is a name that offers quality products you can feel good about giving your family. Welch’s. As long time lover of Welch’s juice, I am now able to present a healthy little snack to my kids that reflects the same quality; Welch’s Fruit Snacks. The fruit snacks are made with real fruit juice, contain 100% vitamin C, 25% vitamins A and E, only 80 calories per serving, as well as having no preservatives, no fat and no gluten. They are available in single servings making it a great choice for spontaneous snacking … Continue reading

Kid Friendly Recipe: Granola Bars

My kids love granola bars. I used to buy the ten packs at the grocery store just to keep them satisfied. However, one day I looked at the ingredients and decided I did not to fill my kids up with chemicals and sugar. For some reason, I thought making granola bars was impossible. I mean who makes them from scratch anyway besides survivalists and super crunchy mamas? As it turns out, many people have decided to take granola bars into their own capable hands. The bars turn out better than what you get in the store. Now be prepared for … Continue reading

Fun Kid Recipe: Chicken Fingers

Kids love chicken nuggets. Everyone knows it which is why you find it on every kids menu regardless of the type of restaurant. I know some kids that only eat chicken nuggets. My kids are chicken nugget lovers as well. I have a son who could at a dozen if I let him. Here is a recipe you can feel good about giving your children. You can provide the fun of a chicken nugget without the chemicals and fat you find in restaurant or fast food nuggets. Almond-Crusted Chicken Fingers From EatingWell: August/September 2005, The EatingWell Healthy in a Hurry … Continue reading

Cool Find: AlternaVites

I recently discovered a very interesting and fun product for kids. It’s called AlternaVites Kids. AlternaVites Kids is the only full spectrum children’s multivitamin and mineral to consume like a pixie stick for children ages 4 and up. Yes, a pixie stick. It is a power you sprinkle on your tongue! Well, not you but your child. Go ahead and try one when your kid isn’t looking though. What is so great about it? A crystal powder you sprinkle on your tongue that tastes great and provides essential vitamins and minerals. Enough said. Do you need more? What about… No … Continue reading

Head to the Park

Every time I log onto Facebook, I read about how nice the weather is getting everywhere around the United States. Everyone is commenting about the sun and the warmth. It is a great time of year that often energizes after a long dreary winter. At least for me, the winter is long and dreary. I dislike the gray skies and find myself unmotivated enough to take an all afternoon nap. I love it when the weather breaks and spring is finally approaching. It is a welcome sight to sleepy eyes and sedentary bodies. While, I encourage everyone to stay active … Continue reading

Online Nutrition Games for Kids

Teaching children about nutrition is essential to long term good health. We wall want our children to be healthy so why not teach and encourage good eating habits? Children do not purchase the groceries or make the food so essentially it is up to us parents to make the right choices and be the example. If you are recently making a change, intend on making a change, or want to keep your kids informed then make a game out of it. Nutrition Explorations is an online hub for kids to learn about nutrition through fun games and activities. Little D’s … Continue reading

Working Out as a Family

The weather is slowly getting warmer and the sun is starting to peek out. It is hard to believe it is almost time for daylight savings time. I love the spring and the summer but somehow this year is going by far too fast. However, I am looking forward to getting out again and walking with my kids. It will be fun to walk the dog around the neighborhood and even take a walk to the park. We can bring soccer balls, baseballs, and volleyballs to have a great time and all work out together. I find that working out … Continue reading

Dolls Besides Barbie

I recently wrote an article about factors that contribute to a poor body image in young girls. In the article I mentioned that Barbie dolls are just dolls and not the root cause of a poor body image. Even taking in account of all the images girls are bombarded with day in and day out of thin girls the issues run deeper. The worst thing in a girl’s life is having the reinforcement of these body images coming from home such as criticism from a parent or a mom who openly expresses her poor body image. However, many want to … Continue reading

Three Factors that Contribute to Poor Body Image in Young Girls

Raising daughters with a healthy self image in a society filled with images of impossible dreams can be difficult. Everywhere you look you can find images of super models that are super thin and seemingly the object of every man’s desire. Every image a girl receives concerning beauty is tied to an image of a thin beautiful girl smiling. From the time a girl is very young and given her first doll she is given an object that depicts a body image. Girls are naturally drawn toward Barbie dolls. Barbie has it all. She is tall, thin, blond and blue … Continue reading