What to do When Your Mind Wanders

A wandering mind is a common problem. Whether you are trying to meditate, or just find your mind wandering at work, in conversations, or in a social setting, there are things you can do to be aware of the constant stream of thoughts in your mind and not controlled by it. The first thing to do when you find that your mind is wandering is to be aware of the thoughts passing through your mind. At first, don’t do anything to stop the thoughts, just let go and be watchful and observant about the thoughts. Often, just the act of … Continue reading

What is Mindfulness Meditation?

Mindfulness meditation is a form of meditation that brings mindfulness and awareness into the present moment. Too often, we are preoccupied with the past or future and fail to experience the present moment. The practice of mindfulness enhances concentration, reduces distractions and increases awareness of your body and surroundings. In mindfulness meditation, you sit in an alert, cross legged position with the body in alignment. Seated with the legs crossed, your head should be centered above your shoulders, which are in alignment with your legs and sit bones. You should pay attention to the alignment and keep your spine straight, … Continue reading

Acupressure Mats and Pillows

Dedicated yogis often begin to make healthier natural health and wellness decisions, including healthy whole foods and holistic therapies for health and healing. Acupressure and acupuncture are two holistic healing therapies that are used in countries around the world, including the United States. Acupressure has been used in Asia for thousands of years for a wide variety of health conditions. Acupressure offers many physical and emotional benefits. Acupressure encourages the body to heal itself and pressure points throughout the body are stimulated to encourage health, balance, healing and wellness. Acupuncture mats offer the opportunity to experience the benefits of acupressure … Continue reading

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental meditation is a simple and natural technique that is practiced by people in cultures around the world by people of any age or religion. Modern transcendental meditation was popularized in the 1950s by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and grew throughout the 60s and 70s, as more celebrities and other people adopted the practice. The technique that has become known as transcendental meditation was originally developed in the Vedic tradition in India and has been practiced for thousands of years. TM is one of the most widely practiced forms of meditation in the world with many celebrities and well known public … Continue reading

Meditation Techniques: Guided Meditation

Meditation offers a wide variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. When asked why they haven’t tried meditation, many people will say that the practice is difficult and quieting the mind is challenging. For these people, guided meditation may be the best way to start. The constant stream of inner dialogue and obsessive thoughts has gotten so common that many people feel that it is normal. Quieting the mind is the most difficult part of meditation for nearly everyone new to the practice. Guided meditation can occupy the mind and keep it from wandering. Guided meditation is a type of … Continue reading

Manage Stress with Meditation

Stress results in a wide range of negative effects and recent research has shown that long term, as well as extreme short term stress can have serious consequences to the health, including heart attack, stroke, and high blood pressure. If you are looking for a natural way to manage stress, consider meditation. Meditation offers natural healing benefits to people experiencing stress due to busy schedules, work or family responsibilities to decrease the impact of stress on health. Meditation focuses on relaxing the mind and letting go of the thoughts that cause stress. The practice of meditation has been around for … Continue reading

Reasons to End the Day With Meditation

Meditation offers specific benefits at different times of the day and night. Some people like to meditate in the morning, while others prefer to end the day with meditation. There are several benefits to ending your day with meditation. Meditation has been shown to relieve stress in the body and mind. While stress relief is beneficial at any time of the day, there are specific benefits to letting go of stress at the end of the day. If you have insomnia or thoughts keep you awake, meditation can offer a natural remedy and help you get the rest you need. … Continue reading

Reasons to Start the Day With Meditation

Meditation offers many physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. If you have decided to give it a try, the first thing to do is decide when you will meditate. Many people believe that morning is the best time of day for meditation. There are several reasons that morning is a great time to meditate. The mind tends to be restless and overactive in the evening and quieter in the morning. When trying to achieve peace, silence and stillness in the mind, starting at the time of day when the mind is quietest makes sense. Later in the day, when the mind … Continue reading

Spiritual Benefits of Meditation

Although meditation offers a wide range of physical and emotional benefits, spiritual awakening and enlightenment are the main goals of meditation for many people. Regardless of your specific religion, religious or spiritual beliefs, a regular meditation practice brings you closer to your inner self and higher power. Patience, tolerance and kind thoughts are virtues of nearly every religious tradition. The practice of meditation creates feelings of inner peace and improves focus. This peaceful state reduces negative or prejudicial thoughts and increases tolerance, patience and love for everyone. Through meditation you can experience a sense of connectedness with the infinite and … Continue reading

Establishing Your Meditation Practice

Meditation offers physical, emotional and spiritual benefits. However, to gain the many benefits of meditation, a regular practice is needed. The fast pace of life can leave you with little time to meditate. It is crucial to establish a routine for meditation to make the time you need for your practice. The first thing to consider is the time of day you want to meditate. For many people, beginning the day with meditation is a great way to get centered and focused before tackling your to do list. Others find meditation to be the perfect way to unwind at the … Continue reading