Sleep Better Tonight With Yoga

Sleep trouble are common and affect most people at some point in their lives. Often, the mind is racing or tension in the body contributes to difficulty falling asleep or trouble staying asleep. Yoga can help you relax, unwind, let go of stress, and drift off to a peaceful night’s sleep. There are certain yoga poses that can help improve sleep. When you have finished getting ready for bed, you can prepare your mind and body for a restful night of sleep with yoga. The following poses are a few to try, if you have trouble falling asleep tonight. Twists, … Continue reading

Paddleboard Yoga

Yoga is always evolving and new styles, techniques and trends are always emerging. One of the hottest trends right now is paddleboard yoga. You can now find places offering the opportunity to practice yoga on a stand up paddleboard across the country from Key West, Florida to San Diego, California and many places in between. Paddleboard yoga combines stand up paddle boarding and your yoga practice. Paddle board yoga is challenging because you need to remain balanced on the board in the water, while moving into various yoga poses. This form of yoga provides a good core workout and a … Continue reading

How Yoga Helps Develop Positive Body Image

Poor body image is a problem that plagues girls and women of all ages. From very young prepubescent girls to grown women, they struggle with their body image. Women feel they are too thin, too fat, too short, and too pale, the list can go on forever, but you get the idea. There is always something to criticize and few seem at home and comfortable in their own bodies. This poor self-image seems to be transmitted from generation to generation. Whether it is teasing at school, attitudes about body image gleaned from fashion magazines, or hearing mom take digs at … Continue reading

How Yoga Can Make You Happier

Happiness consistently rates high on the list of everyone’s priorities and wishes for life. We all want to be happy and most people are seeking ways to be happier in their daily lives. Yoga is more than physical exercise and with regular practice, students experience a change in consciousness and discover a new, more positive outlook on life, which increase happiness and satisfaction with life. One of the reasons happiness eludes so many people is that they associate happiness with wealth and possessions, or have the mistaken notion that certain things must happen for them to be happy. For example, … Continue reading

Preventing Knee Injuries in Yoga

Knee injuries are common sports and exercise related injury. These types of injuries most often occur in the practice of yoga because we ignore a basic principle of yoga and push into certain asanas. Yoga is non competitive by nature and we are supposed to move at our own pace, yet people try to reach the full expression of every pose and ignore pain to accomplish the pose. This is not only wrong on a philosophical level, but can be dangerous. Knee injuries are painful and take time to heal. Prevention is the best practice in any physical activity. In … Continue reading

Yoga Asanas for Increasing Your Energy Level

Lack of energy is a common complaint among people in our stressed out society. Whether you are a busy mom, working full time or both, lack of rest and low energy levels are common. Fortunately, you don’t need to rely on caffeine; there are specific yoga asanas and types of yoga practice that are beneficial for increasing your energy level. Mountain Pose – Stand on the mat and breathe with the hands by your sides, rooted in your feet. You can increase the benefit by raising your hands above your head and breathing deeply before returning to center. This helps … Continue reading

Reaching Your Full Potential with Yoga

Have you wondered if you are living up to your potential? This is something that we often hear as kids from our parents and teachers. Later, as we are all caught up with trying to pay the bills each month or running the kids to school and soccer practice, the idea of living up to our potential falls to the wayside. Although we may not have thought of this idea in years, it bears consideration. Are you living to your full potential? If not, why? Common reasons are money, lack of education or opportunity, poor health and an unsupportive spouse … Continue reading

Choosing a Yoga Therapy Training Program

Yoga therapy continues to grow in popularity as doctors and patients continue to discover the wide range of health benefits yoga provides. A growing number of yoga teachers and other health care professionals are seeking certification in yoga therapy. If you have considered participating in a yoga therapy program, you may be confused about the type of certification you should seek. There are some things to consider in order to help you find the program that is best suited to you. As with yoga, there are different approaches to yoga therapy. Some forms focus more on the physical aspects of … Continue reading

Finding the Right Yoga Teacher

If you have decided to practice yoga in a studio, the first step is selecting a place to take yoga classes. Some people choose by the type of yoga, the location of the studio or because the time of the class fits their schedule. An important factor to consider when choosing a yoga class is the teacher. The experience of the teacher can have an impact on your practice. Teachers vary widely in training and experience. Don’t be afraid to ask about the type of training, level of certification or any other questions about the teacher’s experience. Do you need … Continue reading

Yoga and Your Knees

A regular yoga practice can improve flexibility in the joints, including the knees. Knee pain is a common complaint and can result from a wide range of causes, including osteoarthritis, injury, and ligament damage or alignment problems. Yoga may offer benefits for preventing injury, as well as rehabilitation. When the knees are weak, they are more susceptible to injury, so strengthening the joints may offer benefits. A number of people have found yoga helpful for strengthening the knees, improving flexibility and reducing symptoms such as joint pain associated with arthritis. However, if you aren’t careful and you have weak knees, … Continue reading