Sun Salutations

Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar in Sanskrit) is a flowing sequence of poses that is performed in many types of yoga classes and by yogis of all levels of practice. For many people, sun salutations are the first flowing sequence they ever learn. As you move through the poses in sun salutations, each movement is connected with the breath. Sun has been an important symbol in religious and cultural traditions in all areas of the world and periods of time. There are actually several variations of sun salutations that have evolved over time. Even the origin of this sequence is not … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Intense Side Stretch Pose

Intense side stretch pose (Parsvottanasana in Sanskrit) is a forward bend pose that can be performed by students of all levels of practice. This asana stretches the hamstrings, shoulders, calf, and back muscles, and strengthens the legs. Intense side stretch pose offers several benefits, including improving digestion, balance and stimulating the internal organs. This asana also calms the mind and helps to improve feelings of anxiety and depression. To move into intense side stretch pose, begin by standing in mountain pose. Step your feet about three or four feet apart with the right foot in front of the left. The … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Reclined Hero Pose

Reclining hero pose (Supta Virasana in Sanskrit) is an intermediate yoga asana. In most cases, this pose is too advanced for a beginner. At minimum, when seated in hero pose, your sit bones should reach the floor between your feet and connected to the floor. If you have problems with the knees or lower back, seek advice from a yoga therapist or your yoga teacher before attempting this pose. This asana stretches the thighs, groins, abdomen, knees, ankles, and shoulders. Reclined hero pose is often used to help with digestion, menstrual pain, sciatica, gas, varicose veins and headaches. To move … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Scale Pose

Scale pose (Tolasana in Sanskrit) is an arm balance pose that involves supporting the weight of the body off the floor with the arms. This asana requires upper body strength and balance. Scale pose strengthens the arms, abs and wrists. If you have a wrist or shoulder injury, you may need to avoid scale pose. People with knee injuries may find that sitting in lotus pose is too difficult. You can modify the pose and move into half lotus, if needed. To move into scale pose, begin by sitting on your mat and move into lotus pose. Start by sitting … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Noose Pose

Noose pose (Pasasana in Sanskrit) is an intermediate and advanced yoga pose. This squatting twist stretches the thighs, ankles, chest and shoulders. This asana offers several physical benefits. Noose pose has been helpful for people with asthma, tension in the back or shoulders, sciatica, and indigestion. This pose can offer relief for menstrual pain. Begin in mountain pose and move into a squatting position. Take the left knees and move them to the left and twist the upper body to the right. In the full position, the left part of the torso should be resting against the upper thighs in … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Shoulder Pressing Pose

Shoulder pressing pose (Bhujapidasana in Sanskrit) is an arm balance pose. This is an advanced asana that requires arm strength and balance, as you will be balancing your body on your arms. This asana offers several benefits. Shoulder pressing pose helps to strengthen the arms and wrists, improves flexibility and balance, and tones the abdominal muscles. While this pose offers many benefits and most intermediate and advanced students can perform this asana, there are some precautions. If you have injuries or health conditions involving the wrists, elbow, back or shoulder, check with your doctor or certified yoga therapist before attempting … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Forearm Balance Pose

Forearm Balance (Pincha Mayurasana in Sanskrit) is an inversion. Forearm balance pose stretches the arms, shoulders, back and abs. this asana helps to calm the mind and relieve stress and depression. This pose also improves balance. The biggest fear with this asana and all inverted balance pose is the fear of falling, so it is beneficial to practice this pose against a wall to eliminate the fear of falling over backwards and getting injured, since this worry can break your concentration. Begin by choosing a wall with no hanging pictures that can be knocked off the wall when you kick … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Feathered Peacock Pose

Feathered peacock pose (Pincha Mayurasana in Sanskrit) is an advanced yoga pose that requires upper body strength. In your yoga class, you may hear this asana referred to as forearm balance or elbow balance pose. There are several benefits to feathered peacock pose. This asana strengthens and tones the muscles of the arms and shoulders. This pose also improves balance, flexibility and overall strength and stretches the shoulders, chest and abdomen. Some health benefits of feathered peacock pose include relaxing the brain, relieving stress, and improving feelings of depression. To move into this pose, start on your mat in child’s … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose

Extended hand to big toe pose (Utthita Hasta Padangustasana in Sanskrit) is a standing balance pose. This is an intermediate level pose that requires balance and flexibility in the hamstrings to enable you to balance on one leg, while lifting the other. This asana stretches and strengthens the legs, ankles, and upper back. In addition, extended hand to big toe pose helps to improve strength, balance and overall flexibility. The pose is believed to offer benefits to people with osteoporosis, but caution should be used if you have low back injury, back pain, ankle problems or difficulty balancing on one … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Upward Bow Pose

Upward Bow Pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) is a backbend. This asana is also sometimes called wheel pose. This pose requires strength in the arms, wrists, shoulders, and legs to accomplish the full pose. To move into upward bow pose, begin by lying on your back on your mat. Bend your knees toward the ceiling with your feet flat against the floor. Move your feet, so the heels are as close to your buttocks as you can comfortably move them. Your palms should be resting on the floor by your head with the fingers toward the shoulders. Press your feet and hands … Continue reading