Yoga Pose: Side Plank Pose

Side plank pose (Vasisthasana in Sanskrit) is an arm balance pose that presents a challenge for many beginning students. Although this pose is used in some beginner level classes, it does require some strength and balance. In most classes, you will move from either plank pose or downward facing dog into side plank pose. The first step is to turn your foot to rest the outer edge of the right foot on the mat. Place the left foot on top of the right foot and turn your body so the front of your body, or torso, is facing forward. Keep … Continue reading

Benefits of Side Bending Poses

Each type of yoga asana offers specific benefits. For a balanced practice that provides the most benefits, you should include poses from all categories, such as standing, seated, twist and side bends. Side bending poses offer several benefits, depending on the specific asana. Some of the general benefits of side bends include increasing flexibility in the spine, opening the side body and stimulating the liver and breathing muscles. The standing side bends also promote balance, such as triangle pose and other standing side bend poses. There is a variety of side bending poses, including standing and seated asanas. Crescent moon, … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Side Plank Pose

Side plank pose (Vasisthasana in Sanskrit) is an arm balance pose on one arm. This pose has variations for beginners and the advanced full pose that is only suitable for more advanced students. Side plank pose strengthens the wrists, arms and shoulders and enhances and improves balance. This pose tones the core, including the abdomen and buttocks, as well as the muscles of the arms and legs. To move into side plank pose, start off in downward facing dog. This pose will be performed balanced on one side of the body and then repeated on the other side. From downward … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Revolved Head to Knee Pose

Revolved head to knee pose (Parivrtta Janu Sisrasana in Sanskrit) is a seated forward bend pose. This asana is one of the more advanced of the seated forward bends. Revolved head to knee pose offers several benefits. This pose stretches the hamstrings, groin, spine and shoulders. It is said to offer benefits for improving digestion, relieving anxiety and helping with sleep problems. Back aches and headaches may also be helped by this pose. Begin moving into revolved head to knee pose by sitting at the center of your mat. Separate the legs and extend them fully. The position of the … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Head to Knee Forward Bend

Head to knee forward bend (Janu Sirsasana in Sanskrit) is a seated forward bend with a light twist. There are several physical and emotional benefits of head to knee forward bend. The physical benefits include stretching the back, spine and hamstrings, improving indigestion, relieving headaches and insomnia. This asana is beneficial for symptoms of menopause and menstruation and may help with fatigue, anxiety and depression. To move into head to knee forward bend, begin by sitting on your mat with your legs extended out in front of you. Sit tall and sit on a cushion or blanket to help you … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Low Lunge Pose

Low lunge pose (Anjaneyasana in Sanskrit) is a balance pose that is used in all levels of yoga practice from beginning to advanced classes. Low lunge offers benefits to many areas of the body. This pose strengthens and stretches the muscles of the groin, thigh, chest, shoulders, neck and abdomen. Low lunge pose offers benefits for the lungs for more efficient breathing, improves strength and balance and can help improve the pain associated with sciatica. In most classes, you will move from downward facing dog into low lunge. From downward facing dog, bring your right foot forward and scoot it … Continue reading

Benefits of Hip Opening Poses

Each of the various types of yoga asanas offers specific benefits. The poses together provide a complete system for improving physical, emotional and spiritual health and wellness. For a balanced practice, include a wide variety of different types of poses. There are several hip opening poses in yoga, from beginner’s poses to more advanced asanas. The variety of hip openers allows you to find beneficial asanas that are designed for your individual level of practice. As with any yoga poses, go slow and don’t force yourself into hip openers or any other pose. There are hip opening poses that are … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: High Lunge Pose

High lunge pose (Utthita Ashwa Sanchalanasana in Sanskrit) is a standing yoga asana that stretches the muscles of the front of the body and improves balance. This pose is used in yoga classes of all levels from beginner to advanced level classes. High lunge pose offers benefits throughout the body. This pose strengthens the muscles of the lower body, opens the hips, tightens the abs and lengthens the spine. High lunge pose opens the chest, which helps breathing and clears the lungs. To move into high lunge pose, begin by standing in the center of your mat in mountain pose. … Continue reading

Benefits of Poses for the Core

Yoga asanas can be classified into different categories. Each type of yoga pose offers specific benefits for the body, mind and spirit. Core strengthening poses are yoga asanas that strengthen and tone the core muscles. The core muscles are the abdominal muscles, lower back and the muscles at the sides of the hips. Picture a ring around your waist and buttocks. The muscles in that entire area are part of the core. The importance of a strong, healthy core has gotten more attention in recent years. The strength of the core is related to overall health and fitness. There is … Continue reading

Yoga Poses: Gate Pose

Gate pose (Parighasana in Sanskrit) is a deep side bend pose. This pose is done in all levels of practice, but the full gate pose is often not possible until you have reached the intermediate or advanced levels. This pose offers benefits for every level of practice and you should move into the pose as far as possible at your current level of practice. Gate pose offers several physical benefits for various areas of the body. Some of the benefits of gate pose include stretching the spine, muscles of the torso, shoulders and hamstrings. This pose also helps to stimulate … Continue reading