8 Limbs of Yoga: Dhyana

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is an ancient yoga text written in India nearly four thousand years ago. The eight limbs are a series of steps and practices that ultimately lead to enlightenment. Although the third limb, asana, is the best known, the physical exercise is just one of the eight steps. The eight limbs as described in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are Yama (universal morality with others) Niyama (universal morality towards self), Asanas (physical yoga poses), Pranayama (control of prana through breath), Pratyahara (control of senses), Dharana (concentration and stillness), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (enlightenment). The seventh of … Continue reading

Yoga Types: Fitness Yoga

Fitness yoga is a term often used to describe the yoga classes generally found in gyms and fitness centers. There are many differences from these yoga classes and the more traditional forms of yoga. Although fitness yoga classes vary from place to place, and even from one instructor to the next, there are some similarities among these classes. One difference is the practice. The class is generally about an hour long and focuses on poses designed to tone the body and help you lose weight. Another difference is that fitness classes have a less relaxing environment than a yoga studio, … Continue reading

Increasing Energy with Yoga

When adults watch children play, sooner or later someone invariably says, “I wish I had that energy.” Lack of energy is a common complaint among adults for a wide range of reasons. Forget the energy drinks or loading up on caffeine and try yoga to increase your energy level. Yoga is an excellent way to energize and awaken the body in the morning. Even a short fifteen minute practice is enough to skip the morning cup of coffee, or at least keep it to one cup! The beauty of energizing the body with yoga is you will feel awakened and … Continue reading

Take a Yoga Break at Work

Yoga provides the perfect counterbalance for people working hunched over a desk all day at the office. Some people practice either before or after work to alleviate the stress and pain that can result from sitting at a desk most of the day. You don’t have to limit your practice to home. In a few minutes throughout the day, you can perform some modified yoga asanas to release the pressure and stress in the body. These are some simple things you can do at your desk to reap the benefits of yoga at work. Twists and backbends are an easy … Continue reading

Yoga Types: Jnana Yoga

Jnana yoga means the path of wisdom or the path of knowledge. This form of yoga is a spiritual practice that uses yoga and meditation to withdraw the mind and emotions in order to live connected with the Spirit and attain enlightenment. The ideas that form Jnana yoga is found in Hindu philosophy of nondualism and in Buddhism. In this philosophy, the knowledge is described as having the power to liberate the individual, namely liberation from egoism, desire and the illusion of being separate from the rest of the world. Through Jnana yoga, the student learns to control the mind … Continue reading

Poses You Don’t Like

Every yoga student, and teacher for that matter, has poses they enjoy and poses they don’t like as much. This is completely normal and, while it is certainly possible to avoid your least favorite poses, you want to make sure you have a balanced practice. Fortunately, you can learn to like, or at least make peace with, the poses you don’t love as much. The first step is to figure out why you don’t like the pose and then you will be able to make some adjustments that will allow you to relax and enjoy it a bit more. Consider … Continue reading

Yoga Types: Laughter Yoga

Laughter yoga was developed by a physician from Mumbai, India, Dr. Madan Kataria. This relatively new form of yoga was first seen in 1995 and has grown to include programs in more than sixty countries throughout the world. The concept of laughter yoga is designed to enhance the feeling of well being. Dr. Kararia uses the well known scientific concept that the human body doesn’t know the difference between real laughter and fake laughing and derives the same mood lifting benefits from either. Laughter yoga uses laughter along with pranayama breathing. People who practice this form of yoga experience increased … Continue reading

8 Limbs of Yoga: Dharana

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali describe an eight fold path to enlightenment. The Yoga Sutras were written by an Indian sage nearly four thousand years ago and remain a relevant and important resource to yoga students and instructors. Although the best known limbs of yoga are asana (yoga poses) and pranayama (breathing), this is only a part of the total philosophy. The eight limbs of yoga are Yama (universal morality with others) Niyama (universal morality towards self), Asanas (physical yoga poses), Pranayama (control of prana through breath), Pratyahara (control of senses), Dharana (concentration and stillness), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (enlightenment). … Continue reading

Yoga Types: Forrest Yoga

Forrest yoga is a relatively new form of yoga that is quickly gaining popularity across the country. Yoga teacher Ana Forrest created Forrest yoga to help deal with the emotional and physical challenges everyone experiences. In Forrest yoga, you will learn how to go deep within yourself for healing. Through the practice of yoga, the students are healing their own emotional or psychic wounds from the past. This brings emotional and spiritual healing to the individual. This form of yoga combines yoga asanas, breathing and heat to flush toxins from the body. The physically intense yoga vinyasa sequences are designed … Continue reading

8 Limbs of Yoga: Pratyahara

The eight limbs of yoga were first outlined nearly four thousand years ago in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, an ancient text that is the basis of several forms of yoga. These eight limbs describe a series of steps and practices that are believed to lead the student toward enlightenment. The eight limbs are Yama (universal morality with others) Niyama (universal morality towards self), Asanas (physical yoga poses), Pranayama (control of prana through breath), Pratyahara (control of senses), Dharana (concentration and stillness), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (enlightenment). The fifth limb is Pratyahara, which means control of the senses or withdrawal … Continue reading