Yoga for Strength Training

When most people think about strength training, weights are the first physical activity that comes to mind. Yoga is an effective tool for people interested in making the muscles stronger and more toned. Many people combine yoga with weight training for an effective exercise regimen. While strength training uses weights to build muscle, yoga uses your body’s own natural resistance for strengthening the muscles. This requires very little equipment as opposed to weight training, which is a significant investment if you are building a home gym. Yoga is a convenient way to strengthen and tone the body. You can practice … Continue reading

Yoga Types: Partner Yoga

Partner yoga is a practice that uses a partnering system. The pairs work together and support each other in the poses. Partner yoga uses asanas that have been modified to perform with a partner, which are different than the asanas you are used to practicing. In addition to yoga asana, elements of martial arts are integrated into the classes. Pranayama breathing techniques are combined with movement to enhance the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of the practice. Partner yoga offers many of the same benefits of traditional yoga class, including improvements in strength, flexibility, focus and the many physical and … Continue reading

Yoga Types: Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga is an ancient form of yoga that was first seen in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. The word Raja means king or royal in Sanskrit, so this type of yoga is often called the king of yogas. This form of yoga is also sometimes called classical yoga. Raja yoga follows the eight limbs described in Patanjali’s text. These eight limbs are Yama (universal morality with others) Niyama (universal morality towards self), Asanas (physical yoga poses), Pranayama (control of prana through breath), Pratyahara (control of senses), Dharana (concentration and stillness), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (enlightenment). The focus in Raja … Continue reading

Yoga Types: Ananda Yoga

Ananda yoga is a physical and spiritual yoga practice. This type of yoga is based on Raja Yoga and was founded by Swami Kriyananda. He based this form of yoga on the teachings of his guru, Paramhansa Yogananda, and used a derivative of his guru’s name for Ananda yoga. Ananda Yoga is based on other forms of yoga, but it is more than just a physical practice. Ananda integrates physical, mental and spiritual practices. This practice uses specific asanas that are said to affect consciousness. The goal is more than just improved health and wellness, but to also to increase … Continue reading

8 Limbs of Yoga: Yama

The eight limbs of yoga are found in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which was compiled almost two thousand years ago in India. The eight limbs of yoga are a series of steps that lead to enlightenment. The best known of the eight limbs is asana, which is the third limb in Patanjali’s philosophy. The eight limbs are Yama (universal morality with others) Niyama (universal morality towards self), Asanas (physical yoga poses), Pranayama (control of prana through breath), Pratyahara (control of senses), Dharana (concentration and stillness), Dhyana (meditation) and Samadhi (enlightenment). Although the path to enlightenment is a progression, the … Continue reading

Yoga to Increase Focus

Focus and concentration are essential for attaining long term and short term goals. Life is busy and full of responsibilities at work and at home. The hectic pace of life has a way of disrupting focus and keeping people from accomplishing the goals they have set. A regular yoga practice can help increase focus to help you reach your goals. Increased focus helps in every area of life, at home, at work, at school, in relationships, managing the home or any other responsibility or goal. When the mind is clear and focused, you are likely to find it is easier … Continue reading

What is a Yoga Lifestyle?

Yoga is more than just exercise. It is a practice that works to build the connection of the body, mind and spirit. As people begin a yoga practice and explore the concepts of yoga, it is easy to see that yoga is a lifestyle. The lifestyle changes you experience after practicing yoga regularly for a while include both spiritual changes and changes in habits and life choices. The spiritual changes result from an increased awareness and connection to others and the source of life. This means different things to each person and everyone experiences this change in her own way. … Continue reading

Yoga Types: Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is a spiritual practice of yoga. Bhakti means “Almighty” and this practice is devoted to God. If you are looking for a spiritual yoga practice that teaches peace and contentment and devotion to God, Bhakti Yoga may be a good choice for you. In addition to the spiritual practice, Bhakti yoga may help with anger management, helping rid the body of anger and bring peace and contentment. Bhakti yoga focuses on compassion for other people and creatures. A combination of methods is used in Bhakti yoga. Various practitioners may use asana, meditation, mantra, and chanting and singing of … Continue reading

Yoga at the Office

One of the most challenging aspects of practicing yoga for many people is fitting the practice into a hectic schedule. Fortunately, even a little yoga has physical and emotional benefits. You can fit in a ten minute practice in the morning and even a two or three minute practice at work. If you work at a desk all day, you may experience pain or tension in the back and shoulders. Slouching or bending forward over your work all day long puts strain on the neck, shoulders and back. Over time, this can lead to pain. A few quick yoga poses … Continue reading

Yoga Types: Sivananda Yoga

Sivananda yoga was the first form of yoga introduced to the United States and Western Europe. This form of yoga was named for Swami Sivananda and was brought to the United States in the late 1950s by one of Swami Sivananda’s followers, known as Swami Vishnu-devananda. Sivananda yoga is a form of hatha yoga that focuses on a limited number of asanas and combines meditation, mantra and other principles. This form of yoga uses a series of asanas along with breathing and chanting of mantras in each class. There are several principles to Sivananda yoga, in addition to breathing and … Continue reading