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Cats and Water

Cats hate water, right? Not always so.

The Turkish Van is a breed that is known for its true love of swimming. Some experts believe it was summer heat that first sent the Van in for a swim; this cat will take a dip in a lake, stream, sink, tub, or pond when the mood strikes.

The Bengal cat — a cross between domestic cats and small Asian leopard cats — likes water almost as much as the Turkish Van. This breed will play in puddles or in the shower. Bengals will often scoop water with their paws before drinking from a water bowl or water dish!

The playful Turkish Angora also likes to play in water. He may bat at water with his paws or simply watch a running faucet. These Turkish cats may not swim like the Vans do, but they have been known to jump into the tub with their owners.

Let’s face it — there are exceptions to every rule. Not all cats hate water.

And even those cats that won’t take a dip or even dunk their paws in the water bowl will still find their curiosity aroused by a running shower or a dripping faucet. I know cats who will bravely lap from a dribbling faucet in the sink. My neighbor’s cat Murray (who has since passed away) used to meow for someone to turn on the shower so he could lick the droplets of water from the walls and floor. Of course, Murray also used to like to sit in the empty tub. Some cats prefer to drink running water over standing water; other cats will watch an owner in the shower and wonder what the person did to be punished so horribly.

They all have their own personalities, and that’s why we love them!

How does your cat feel about water?