We all have the option of doing certain things to live a long, healthy life. One involves maintaining good cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, even young, thin; physically fit people can have high levels of cholesterol, although chances of higher levels increase due to certain factors. Lifestyle management is the key to changing some of these factors while others require a more aggressive approach to include cholesterol-lowering medication.
American’s now weigh more than the past ten years combined. Because of busy work and play scheduled, people often grab fast food or junk food while rushing out the door. Unfortunately, poor eating habits can lead to excessive weight. However, carrying around excess weight generally increases the level of “bad” cholesterol. One solution is to work directly with your doctor to determine what your ideal weight should be. From there, you can decide on an appropriate diet and workout plan to help you lose the weight.
Next, you need to avoid foods made from saturated fats, which are foods coming from animals. This step is essential in the line of defense when it comes time to fight high cholesterol. When you shop for cooking oils, look for unsaturated or vegetable fats, and use low fat cooking sprays in place of heavy oils whenever possible.
Regular exercise is an excellent way to lower cholesterol. In addition, exercise keeps your body in excellent functioning capacity. To get the most out of exercise, remember you do not have to run 10 miles a day and spend every waking hour in a gym. However, you should get a minimum of 20 minutes exercise every day, which would include things such as walking, jogging, swimming, or even walking the dog.
Age and Gender
Cholesterol levels begin increasing for both men and women with age. Generally, women have lower cholesterol than men do between the ages of 50 and 55. However, once a woman heads into menopausal years, cholesterol levels start to increase as well.
Family genes play a big role in many aspects of a person’s health to include cholesterol levels. Therefore, if you have a parent with high levels of cholesterol, your chances of having high cholesterol is probable. If your doctor has determined you have high cholesterol, talk to other family members to see if there is a connection.