How can you celebrate the holidays without getting the financial blues? Simply by being frugal and shopping wisely. Just because it’s the holiday season doesn’t mean you have to be spending every penny you have.
Avoid those holiday blues Christmas parties by deciding exactly what you want to do. How many holiday parties do you have to attend? Obviously you want to go to the office one. But you don’t need to go to every one that you are invited too. Chances are if you are going to a party you’ll be needed to bring a beverage or appetizer and possibly a gift. Do you have to volunteer for everything? This year we were invited to five holiday parties where gifts were going to be exchanged. Did I really need to participate in exchanging gifts at each one? No, I didn’t and saved myself a lot of money by not participating in every one. This doesn’t mean don’t have fun, but choose what you can do with and without.
Avoid the pressure of the hottest gifts or getting the most gifts. That’s right your child doesn’t need the latest doll that just hit the shelf and is marked at one hundred dollars. Your son doesn’t need a top of the line skateboard if he’s only 8. Does Sally really need 3 brand new jackets? She can probably get away with wearing just one. You don’t have to get everything you see or everything on your children’s Christmas list. Decide if the item is really going to be used or played with. Is it worth the price? If it is grab it, but if not put it back and come back during a sale.
Avoid the overspending blues because that will hurt you financially. If you know that you are going to go out shopping then make a list. Know what you want to buy and how much it is going to cost. Only allow yourself to bring the exact amount of money with you when you leave your house. By bringing exact amount of cash and leaving all your cards at home you can’t overspend. Or try buying presents throughout the year during big sales or day after sells. You’ll find a lot of good deals then and save you big bucks.
You can easily fall into the financial blues during the holiday season if you are planning a road trip. If you must go visit the family during the holidays then plan for it. Don’t just say we are going and go. If you already know you want to visit mom and dad during winter break, start saving up a few months before. If you can’t visit due to finances ask if they can visit you. You can have a happy holiday season without having the financial blues but you have to plan for it. Remember the holidays are all about being with your family, not what you want to buy for them.