For many families, celebrating Halloween as a unit typically consists of kids gathering free treats from around the neighborhood and parents raiding the sweet loot once the kiddos hit the sack.
Not exactly traditional holiday bonding.
If you are looking to really show the world how working together as a clan on Halloween can strengthen family ties, then why not go all out by dressing up in themed costumes?
Group costumes promote camaraderie and creativity. What’s more, it’s fun to trick-or-treat as a family in complementary costumes. Just ask your neighbors who are sure to get a kick out of the hilarious sight gag.
With the clock ticking down to All Hallows’ Eve, consider these costume ideas if you plan to forgo the individual getups this year:
Super Friends: Have mom dress-up as Wonder Woman, Dad as Superman and the kids can go as The Wonder Twins, Aquaman or Batman.
Deck of Cards: Have each family member dress as different playing cards. If you have five people in your clan, then consider going as a Royal Straight.
Insects: Pick a favorite insect, such as a spider or bee and have each member of your family wear identical costumes.
Babies: Chanel your inner infant by having everyone dress as babies.
Zoo: If you think your house is a zoo, then prove it by wearing animal costumes, such as a lion, zebra, monkey, camel or penguin.
Sports Team: Deck out your starting lineup for Halloween by wearing uniforms from your family’s favorite sports team.
Care Bears: Party and costume shops have ready-made Care Bear costumes for kids and adults.
The Wizard of Oz: Have each member of your family select a character from the popular movie and dress the part.
Power Rangers: Mom, Dad, sisters and brothers will have a hoot dressing up as the cast from High School Musical or characters from another favorite flick.
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