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Celebrating Strength

I have been writing a bit recently about dealing with some of the setbacks and difficulties, as well as making plans and adjustments in our home businesses. I thought it might be a refreshing idea to write today about giving ourselves a big pat on the back once in a while and actually taken time out to celebrate our strength and courage.

It’s far easier for us to see our flaws and mistakes—that seems to be human nature or at least human nature in our modern society. What is much more difficult for us is to see and celebrate what we are doing well and to genuinely appreciate the strength it takes to start, operate and build a home business. Hurray for us!

Tax day has past, we’ve made it through the first quarter of this year, and we’ve probably already overcome myriad problems and challenges as we’ve been working to grow our businesses, take care of customers and clients, and make sure we give plenty of attention and care to our families and friends as well. We owe ourselves some appreciation and celebration of all that strength of character and personal fortitude we muster on a daily basis in order to stay motivated and on track.

So, as you head back to your desk or work room—or rush out the door to meet with a customer or client, pick up someone from school, or any of the other realities and challenges that may face you on an ordinary day, I’m giving you permission to give yourself a pat on the back and take a moment or two (or even an entire day) to celebrate your own personal strength. After all, chances are if it wasn’t for you and all you do, there would be no home business and things might flounder and flop on the home scene too!

See Also: Letting Go of Self-Doubt and Accepting Help