Are you taking time to celebrate the small victories on your path to financial fitness? It is important to acknowledge the small steps that you are taking each day to save yourself money. It may seem insignificant to others, but every penny that you save will benefit you down the road.
Here are some small victories that you may want to celebrate:
Cooking dinner at home. This may seem simple, but to many of us, this is huge. It is a big step in saving money, and the more you do it, the more you will save.
If you are a compulsive shopper, your victory may be sticking to your grocery list or passing up the clearance rack if you do not need any new clothes.
Finding a way to reduce your energy bills every month.
Switching to Voice Over IP from a regular phone plan. (This saved us eight dollars a month, plus a lot in long distance. Not to mention all the added features we weren’t getting before.)
Deciding that you can make do with what you have, instead of getting the latest, newest of whatever you want.
Taking advantage of the grocery store sales. This really can save you money as you stock up and plan ahead.
Paying every single bill on time this month or becoming current on all of your bills. (This will save you in interest and late fees.)
Learning that consignment shops and thrift stores have a lot to offer. Realizing that yard sales may have even more.
Finding a better paying job.
Adjusting your withholdings so that you can get more back with each paycheck.
Paying off one of your credit cards completely!
Putting ten dollars into savings.
Talking to a financial adviser about retirement.
Sticking to your budget for an entire month. (This is a huge victory. It does get easier as you go, but the first time the feeling is just phenomenal!)
What are some of your small victories?
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