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Celebrities Support Japan

As often happens after a natural disaster, many celebrities are turning out to help support Japan after the devastating earthquake and tsunami. Lady GaGa is marketing “We Pray for Japan” wristbands for $5, saying on her website that “All proceeds go directly to Japan relief efforts.” In addition to ordering a wristband, you can also make donations to the relief effort. The wristbands are cute and I actually ordered one the other day. So far, the controversial singer has raised $250,000. If you would like to order one, visit Lady GaGa’s page – you don’t even have to be a fan to enjoy this wristband.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt and his wife Wendy have set up a Japanese relief fund on the Citizen Effect web page. The couple have promised to match the first $100,000 raised, with the money going to the American Red Cross.

Speaking of the American Red Cross, actress Sandra Bullock has donated $1 million to them. If you remember, Bullock also gave $1 million when Haiti suffered its earthquake in 2009. Overall, the Red Cross has raised $47 million, $10 million which has already been given to Japanese disaster victims. Fresh out of rehab, Disney’s Demi Levato also donated $1 million to the Red Cross.

Linkin Park’s Mike Shinoda, whose father is a Japanese America, has designed a t-shirt to raise money for the relief effort. Working with Music For Relief, the black shirt with an origami butterfly is available for $25 on Shinoda’s blog page. Music for Relief also offers a web page http://www.downloadtodonate.org/splash/ where you can donate $10 to help Haiti (and you will be able to donate to Japan next week) and download music from their catalog of artists.

Even in his crazy, manic state, Charlie Sheen has recognized a need and promised $7,500 from his tour tickets sold in Chicago and Detroit.

Just remember, as with all disasters, if you decide to make a donation, check out the charity first to make sure your hard earned money is going to a reliable, dependable charity.

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About Libby Pelham

I have always loved to write and Families.com gives me the opportunity to share my passion for writing with others. I work full-time as a web developer at UTHSC and most of my other time is spent with my son (born 2004). I love everything pop culture, but also enjoy writing about green living (it has opened my eyes to many things!) and health (got to worry about that as you get older!).