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Celebrity Births

I love hearing labor and delivery stories. Whether I’m talking to friends, relatives, or watching TLC’s “A Baby Story,” I can’t get enough of the different experiences women have. Some go all natural, some get an epidural the second they arrive at the hospital, and many fall in between. Some births are scheduled C-sections, some are induced, and some begin all on their own. Many women give birth in the hospital, while others opt to give birth at a birthing center, or even at home.

I often find myself wondering, “What type of labors and deliveries do celebrities have?” There doesn’t seem to be much information out there in this department. Magazines and TV shows seem to dish on everything when celebrities are pregnant, including how much weight they gain and who designs the maternity clothes. After the baby is born, magazines are scrambling to be the first to release the precious photos of the new baby and family. However, it’s rare that magazines give any information on the actual birth itself.

Maybe I’m not reading the right magazines, but the ones I read seem to skip nothing when it comes to the personal lives of celebrities, so why do they avoid the topic of birth?

When flipping through magazines (something I do almost daily), I often speculate as to what birth experiences the lovely ladies I’m looking at ended up having. Did Angelina Jolie get an epidural? Did Gwen Stefani give birth in the water? Was Nicole Richie’s doctor male or female, or did she decide to use a midwife? Did Jennifer Garner need stitches afterwards? Which women screamed during contractions, and which were quiet?

I also wonder if being a celebrity has perks during this special time. Are the birthing suites of Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez similar to the one I gave birth in? I’m assuming the babies of these celebrities do not go to a nursery with the rest of the babies, so does that mean these families always have an in-room triage, or is there a private nursery just for the famous baby? Do celebrities have to give birth in the hospital, or can they opt to have the doctor, nurses, and medical equipment brought to their homes?

If anyone has answers to these questions, please let me know where to find them. I love celebrity gossip, and I love birth stories. I can hardly imagine anything more exciting than combining the two.

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About Rebecca Wilkens

BabyLed is the married mother of one beautiful daughter. She and her family live in the Midwest of the United States. BabyLed loves learning new ways for her family to be healthy and happy. She is a strong believer in attachment parenting, cooking from scratch, and alternative medicine (but is very thankful for conventional medicine when it is needed.). She would much rather avoid illness by living a healthy lifestyle than treat an illness after it has arrived. BabyLed loves reading, cooking, nature, and good old celebrity gossip. BabyLed graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education. After teaching preschool for two years, she quit her job to be a fulltime mommy to her infant daughter. Being one of those "paranoid, first-time mothers" has led to her reading many books and articles on parenting and children. Although she has been around children her entire life, the birth of her daughter gave her a whole new perspective on what children are all about.