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Celiac Disease, Autism, PTSD, and More!

September calendar This week, the Special Needs Blog included a wide variety of topics. There were blogs about Celiac Awareness Day, things that may cause autism, PTSD, a special needs friendly playground, support groups, and a bizarre story about involving an isolation room. These blogs went up between September 10, 2012, and September 15, 2012.

September 13 is National Celiac Awareness Day
National Celiac Awareness Day is a day to honor the birthday of Samuel Gee MD, the pediatrician who published the first clinical description of celiac disease. It is also a day to bring awareness to what celiac disease is, and how it affects people. This is the day to make some gluten-free goodies for the people you know who have to be on a gluten-free diet.

Sky High Sports Has Time for Kids With Special Needs
Sky High Sports is an indoor playground in Illinois that has plenty of trampolines to bounce on. They have set aside a few hours on the first Tuesday of every month for kids who have special needs. This is when the music will be off, extra staff will be on hand, and families who have a child with a special need can come and have fun.

A Brief Review of Things Said to Cause Autism
Scientists in Australia have developed a genetic test for autism. I decided to briefly go over many other things that were said to cause autism or to be indications that a child has an autism spectrum disorder.

Study Finds Pregnant Women Can Pass PTSD to Their Babies
A study was done on women who were pregnant and who were at or near the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The study found that it is possible for women to pass on their own PTSD to their babies. This was especially true for mothers who were in their third trimester at the time of the tragedy.

Opinion Piece About Isolation Rooms Spawns Investigation
This is a truly bizarre story! It started with an opinion piece that was written in the New York Times by a father who described a horrible experience his daughter had after being placed in an isolation room at school. Now, an investigation has been started, and other parents have shared similar stories.

Find a Support Group for Parents of Kids with Special Needs
Every parent need a little support sometime. This blog contains information about where to find some support groups for parents of kids who have special needs. Reach out for the help you need!

Image by redstamp.com on Flickr