In my last blogs we looked at the idea of being challenged to take on a new area of service or ministry or challenged to continue on after failure. But there is another way we could look at challenges.
So often we pray the Lord’s Prayer saying, ‘Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven,’ Matthew 6:10. How is God’s will done in heaven? Perfectly – always. Do you and I always do God’s will perfectly on earth? No we don’t.
I’m sure each of us have areas in our lives we know are not pleasing to God, areas where we are not doing God’s Will. It might be a wrong attitude to someone or some situation, or times where we are careless with our words, or where we have allowed a habit to develop over the years.
Are you up to the challenge of asking The Holy Spirit to pinpoint those attitudes, those sins or habits that need changing in your life?
Here are some interesting quotes about habits and their effect on our lives.
The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken,” Samuel Johnson.
How long does it take to break a habit? Answers to this question are as varied as people. A lot depends on the personality, how strong a hold the habit has and the circumstances involved as well as how much the person is prepared to seek help either form human sources or from The Lord God, or both.
Two habits that the bible mentions are the ‘habit of being idle’ 1 Timothy 5:3 And the habit some people had fallen into of giving up meeting together, Hebrews 10:25. Both habits had adverse effects of their lives, which is what often happens with habits.
“Cultivate only the habits that you are willing should master you” Elbert Hubbard
“First we make our habits, then our habits make us,” Charles c. Noble
There is no time like the present to take up the challenge of allowing the Holy Spirit to deal with those sins or those habits that need changing in your life. Are you up to the challenge?
Please visit these related blogs
10 ways to change your attitude