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Challenges of Homeschooling Tweens: Dealing with mood swings

I guess I should stop calling them my babies since they are almost my height. However, they are just so cute…sometimes I just want to pinch them. Other times I just want to pinch them!

Homeschooling 9-13 year old Tweens can be quite challenging. Mood swings can throw a wrench in an otherwise productive day. My daughter will be laughing and enjoying a lesson one minute, and the next announce that my last joke “just was not funny”. My son will be having a productive day, have one difficult moment, and announce that his whole day “sucked”. This kind of behavior can send my mood off on a tangent as well.

Here is how I deal with tween mood swings while homeschooling: (if you have any suggestions, I will gladly take them)

1: Give them their space. Both kids have desks in their rooms, which I would not recommend for younger kids. While I do not allow them to hermit (my favorite pun) in their room for days at a time, sometimes an hour or two alone is necessary.

2: Do not take it personally: I remind myself that the children are not out to get me, instead their bodies are working in opposition to their brains. This helps me control my resulting bad mood.

3: Intrude on their privacy: After an hour or two alone in their rooms, my husband and I go in and take up residence. We sit on their beds. We ask stupid and pointless questions. If we can get a hug or kiss without losing an eye, we take it. Just being there increases the chances that they may talk about what bothers them.

4: Set limits: Just because the are hormonal, does not mean they can be disrespectful. Draw a line and do not let them step over it without consequences.

5: Forgive quickly: Remember they are kids, your kids. Punish appropriately, ignore minor infractions, and forgive quickly so that they know there is nothing they can do to make you love them less.

6: Get back to work: They can’t take four years off of homeschooling. Moods are momentary, and math is forever!

More information on Tweens:


Tweens: What to expect from – and how to survive – your child’s pre-teen years