Nearly everyone experiences uncontrolled thought patterns that contribute to stress and interfere with your well being. The constant inner dialogue, which can range from thoughts of everything on the “to do” list to irrational worries and fears, is a barrier to true happiness in the presents moment.
Yoga has the ability to free you from these uncontrolled thoughts and move toward stillness, wisdom and peace. Pranayama, or yogic breathing, is effective for letting go of negative thinking and focusing your awareness inward.
The practice of yoga is often recommended for the physical and health benefits. However, as most practitioners will tell you, there is much more to it. Training the body through the physical performance of the asanas is only part of the picture.
Remember that Yoga means union, describing the union of the body, mind and spirit. The breath and body awareness in yoga relaxes and rejuvenates the mind, which can help you change thought patterns.
One of the best things you can do to help the process is to pay attention to the end of your practice. Often, we are rushed and hurry through the corpse pose, thinking relaxation can wait. This is the wrong approach, if you are interested in changing your thought patterns. This pose offers more than relaxation; it rejuvenates the mind.
In corpse pose, the mind and body are completely relaxed. There should be no tension, movements or thoughts. The mind is relaxed, cleared and rejuvenated when you take the time to really experience this pose. Letting go of conscious thought is often the first step toward inspiration and enlightenment.
When your mind is relaxed, your thoughts become more focused, releasing creativity in all areas of your life. Rather than constantly worrying about problems in life, you will begin to find solutions.
Some yoga classes include elements of meditation to help you clear your mind and increase your awareness. If you are interested in this approach, try a form of yoga such as hatha, integral, Kripalu, Kundalini or restorative yoga classes.