I am getting ready to have my next surgery tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. I am really tired of getting sliced and diced and recovering. Hopefully this will be the last surgery for a while. I think it is a bad sign when I walk into the surgery ward for check in and they all know me by first name without looking at my chart.
The surgery goes up nice and smooth and I am starting to get ready to recover again. This is starting to wear me down all I ever seem to do is recover and heal. All my vacation days are being used for surgery and this is just no fun.
When I went back into the surgeon for the checkup he removed the bandages and he seemed very happy with his work. The girls looked good to me, everything was healed the only thing was I think one side may have been under inflated. They both match but one kind of felt weird to me. Have you ever slept on a water bed that was under filled and had an air bubble? That is what it felt like to me. I never thought about slushing around in my chest but that is what I felt.
I did not want to complain because I did not want to have another surgery. I had another oncology appointment coming up and I was really dreading going to visit Dr. Gloom again. I did some research and found another oncologist at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. The doctor that I chose had a specialty in breast cancer and also testicular cancer. How lucky she had a specialty in my type of cancer as well as my husbands. I made my appointment and absolutely adored her. She ordered the BRAC test that I wanted, she ordered tumor marker test and a full body scan. She also said that if I was her patient from the beginning she would have recommended the prophylactic mastectomies from the beginning.
She also noticed that the side that was radiated was turning a little pink and she was a little concerned. She asked about the plastic surgeon that had done the other surgeries and I told her I was tired of letting him keep trying to get it right. She referred me to a new surgeon and I made my appointment with him.