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Changing Pediatricians or Doctors

Maybe you have a fabulous pediatrician whom you love who is retiring, or you have changed health insurance plans and are being forced to change pediatricians, or your children have grown and you think a family doctor would be a better fit—there are myriad reasons why families need to change pediatricians or doctors—but that doesn’t make the process any less daunting. Here are some suggestions to help you through the process…

First, don’t panic. You can take a little time to find someone you truly like and trust. Even if your insurance is changing and you’re feeling the pressure to choose someone quickly, give yourself permission to do the legwork to find a great care provider. Additionally, you might be able to consider some alternatives—would you rather have a certified nurse or a family care provider that is NOT a pediatrician? More and more insurances will pay for this and you might get more personalized care.

Next, get copies of your family medical records prior to leaving your current doctor. While they can forward the records to the new medical provider, it is a good idea to have them on hand—especially if you are moving to a different city or state. This way, you’ll have everything you need to answer any questions or find out about specific care options.

Come up with some criteria or a list of what you are looking for. Does gender matter? Location? Do you need a doctor who is familiar with certain conditions? If you are a single parent or an adoptive parent, you will want to find a physician or care provider who is supportive and understanding of that.

Finally, try to make your switch during a time of year that is less stressful and convenient. If your kids tend to get Autumn colds or spend most of the winter with some sort of an ailment or another, Fall might not be the best time. Unfortunately, this can be when the “open enrollment” period is for many health insurance plans. Spring or summer may actually be a better time for you to begin your hunt and make the switch.

Also: Too Sick for School? How do You Know For Sure?

Coping With Holiday and Vacation Illnesses

Teens, Health and Habits