The Word of Wisdom teaches us to abstain from drinking alcohol and using drugs or tobacco. The Word of Wisdom also teaches us to care for our bodies through choosing good healthy food, and through living a healthy life. The spirit of the Word of Wisdom would suggest that resting enough and exercising regularly are also important aspects of properly caring for our bodies.
As we strive for a healthy lifestyle what is standing in our way? Often people will point to being too busy to exercise or that healthy food is too expensive. These can be real reasons that stand in your way, but through sacrifice and hard work, you can make the efforts that you need to in order to embrace a healthy lifestyle.
Food can be an addiction as well. Overeaters Anonymous deals with the addiction of overeating. Comfort foods release chemicals that help you to relax. A full belly can help to calm your nerves. Fatty foods can cause cravings that our difficult to combat. These have been difficult
On the converse side exercise can help you to sleep better, and feel better. Exercise also releases endorphins that help you to look at life. Healthy eating choices can help you to feel better about yourself, and give you more energy.
So how do you change your lifestyle, if you know that you need to? You start by taking it a day at a time. Make it a matter of prayer, and focus on one or two things at a time. Begin buying healthy food, and exercising. You should start with small changes, and as you adapt to those changes make some more. If you need additional help, find a place to get it. You can use a support group, a personal trainer, a nutritionist or a doctor for the help. As you take your problem to the Lord, He can give you the strength and guidance that you need in order to change successfully.
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