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Characteristics of Kinesthetic Learners

This is the last type of learner in my series of learning types that teachers should strive to meet the needs of in their lesson plans.

Previously I gave the characteristics of auditory and visual learners. I also gave teachers ideas on how to reach the needs of these students in the classroom. This article will focus on the group of learners that learn best through movement.

Students who need movement for enrichment and learning are called kinesthetic learners. This type of students is also sometimes known as the tactile learner group.

Students in this group need frequent movement through the day. They have a hard time sitting still in one position or for one activity for a long period of time. They learn best when they are given hands on activities and opportunities to learn.

These learners often use their bodies in many ways and during most activities. When they talk, they often use hand movements and gestures. During a lecture or while listening to a presentation these students feel the need to sit and move their leg or hands. They may be seen biting their nails or twisting their hair.

Kinesthetic learners usually enjoy physical activities and are often good at sports activities. They may like cheerleading, dance, basketball, theater, etc.

These students usually enjoy community plays and clubs. They like to be a class helper and run errands for the teacher. They enjoy and will take any and all opportunities to get up and move.

This group of students is typically frowned upon for being thought of as hyper or active students. Many teachers think because they are moving about that they are not listening or learning. However, in most cases, the students can repeat what was said and the movement actually assists in their listening and learning.

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