Based on E.B. White’s classic children’s book and a remake of an animated movie by the same name, “Charlotte’s Web” is a wonderfully sweet and funny movie for the whole family. Dakota Fanning stars as Fern, a young girl who lives on a farm with her mother and father. They have been selling off their farm animals in order to buy the equipment they need to stay afloat, and when their sow delivers a litter, it’s known that those pigs will have to go too. When Fern sees her father getting ready to slaughter the runt of the litter because he’ll starve to death, she intervenes, telling her father she’ll care for the piglet. She and the baby pig, whom she names Wilbur, develop a strong attachment, and when time comes for the pigs to be sold, she’s heartbroken.
But her aunt and uncle across the street come up with a great solution. They’ll take Wilbur and she can see him as often as she likes. There’s just one problem – he’s a pig, and pigs make marvelous Christmas hams.
As Wilbur takes up residence across the road from Fern, we shift our attention to the animal world and can hear them all talk. This is truly where the movie begins to shine. An all-star cast has been assembled to voice the creatures of the barnyard: Oprah Winfrey is Gussy the Goose, and Cedric the Entertainer is Golly, her husband. John Cleese is Samuel the Sheep, Kathy Bates and Reba McEntire are the cows, and Robert Redford is the horse. Last but not least is Julia Roberts, who voices Charlotte, the first creature in the barn to accept Wilbur for who he is.
When he first arrives, Wilbur tries to make friends with the other animals, but they aren’t used to his open and guileless ways. He feels very alone until a soft voice from the darkness calls out to him, and he meets Charlotte, the very first spider of his acquaintance. The other animals shun her, too, but she and Wilbur strike up a wonderful friendship.
As they grow closer, Charlotte promises Wilbur that she will do whatever it takes to keep him from being smoked for Christmas dinner. She comes up with a marvelous plan, and working through the night, creates a web with the words “Some Pig” woven into the center. The farmer hails it as a miracle, and people come for miles around to see it. Every time interest wanes, Charlotte weaves other words, including “Terrific” and “Humble.” Wilbur eventually takes a special prize at the state fair, proving his worth to the farmer and ensuring that he’ll never be turned into bacon.
The interactions between the animal characters are what make this movie so special, and so much better than the original film. The jokes are hysterical, the friendships are touching, and the little pig is so darn cute. This is a film you will want to watch with your family over and over again.
This movie is rated G.
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