These days, having your home stand out from the crowd may be the only way to get it to sell. There is a lot of inventory out there, presenting something special that will spark and emotional connection for buyers will aid its marketability. Everyone loves a good story.
Photo Montage
Create a photo montage that showcases your home through the years. You may be able to find copies of photos from the previous owners, at your local town hall and through old newspaper clippings. Check with your local library and historical society.
Is your home too new? Look for old photos of the town and surrounding area or frame an old map. Old maps reveal a lot about the history of an area as well as adding interest and serving as artwork. Was your home built on a site that used to be a Christmas tree farm? Include some photos.
Building Historical Records
Create a binder or file with historical records for your home and property. Check with your local land accessor to find your property records and details about how the house was built. You may even have enough information to track down your home’s original owners, and they may provide you with stories or documentation.
You can also check public records, such as census data, as well as books about your town.
You may even find treasures in your home to showcase. When cleaning our house after first purchasing it, we found an old skeleton key and an old metal yo-yo from the 1960s hidden behind some bookcases.
Creating History in a Newer Home
If your home is newer, you may have some trouble with chasing down any history. You can still tell a story about it though. Write out what you enjoyed about it while living there, such as the way the sunlight played across the hardwood floors of the living room, how you loved attending the annual Fourth of July parade, or how the neighbors all gather each holiday to go Christmas caroling.