When there is nothing much in the house to eat and you don’t have the funds to shop before the next pay day, then it is time to pull out all of the stops to get something on the table. Here are some ideas to help.
Our food supply is looking pretty pathetic. We’ve had some huge expenses lately, so the grocery budget has been reduced a lot. Fortunately, we scored some free waffles last week, and we have some fresh veggies that came in, but not too much else. We did purchase some juice because two of the kids have medicine that needs to be dissolved in it. Other than that, we have to reply on things already in the house.
Here are some of the meals that I have been making.
Fortunately, we have a little supply of homemade chicken stock in the freezer. With some noodles, some carrots and seasonings, it makes the basics of a meal. Homemade bread helps fill the bellies as well.
Soup can be made from a lot of different things, so see what is available and go for it.
Here is another “throw what ever you have together” meal. I combined a bag of peas, three cups of diced ham from the freezer, a can of cream of mushroom soup, a bit of cheese, a little bit of milk, a little bit of rice, and threw it all into the crockpot. Four hours later, we had a hearty meal. Look for the full recipe in the Food Blog soon.
We often have the ingredients for breakfast at hand, so there is no need not to have it at dinner, too. Eggs, pancakes, waffles or whatever is available can work. We do try to round it out with some fruit and whatever veggies are around. On a really desperate day, we’ve had oatmeal or cereal with milk and survived to tell the tale.
Just like soup and stew, pasta is one of those basics that can take a wide variety of whatever you have. Chopped fresh tomatoes and eggplant, strips of chicken or just a little bit of butter on top can be turned into a meal.
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