“Keep your eyes on your own paper,” is a popular phrase among many teachers. For as long as I can remember, cheating has been an issue in classrooms.
Cheating is purposefully acting in a dishonest manner. Some children cheat by looking at another student’s paper for answers, or making a sheet of answers to copy, by stealing an idea from another student, or copying work from a book or other resource. Sometimes cheating can result in a good grade. However, a cheater only cheats him by depriving himself of the knowledge that should have been learned.
Some children cheat because they do not want to put effort into studying. They are capable of making good grades on their own but are just too lazy to try. Other children lack confidence. They believe that they cannot pass without cheating. They feel inadequate in completing the work without help. Other children cheat due to pressure placed upon them. Some children are so pressured to make good grades that they will take all measures to ensure a good grade, even if it means cheating. Parents, scholarships, and other sports or organizations can place this pressure and stress upon students. Other children may cheat occasionally because they lacked time to study. If a child was out late at a ballgame or other function, he may not feel that he studied enough to do well on his own.
Most children are tempted at some point in their education to cheat and they resist the temptation. Other children cheat one time and feel so guilty that they never do it again. At times, children cheat, get caught, and realize that it is not worth the consequence. However, there are children that cheat, get away with it, and become addicted to it. These children usually always suffer some type of consequence. They will either eventually get caught or become so far behind from not completing work on their own that it becomes evident they are not making the good grades by themselves.
If your child is caught cheating, try to discuss the reason why the cheating took place. Discuss with your child that it is better to discuss reasons that he/she could not study with the teacher and ask for an extension rather than cheating. If pressure or confidence is the problem, make sure that your child knows that his/her best is all that is expected of him/her.
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