Have you ever heard a suggestion about something that could make your home based business run more smoothly or be more successful, only to dismiss the suggestion because it appears as though it is just too simple to make a real difference? Among the countless pieces of business advice that are out there, there are suggestions that take a bit of time, effort, and/or money to implement. Some of these suggestions may work quite well for some businesses and not at all for others. The same goes for simpler suggestions. They work wonders for some businesses and not at all for others.
If both simple and more complex tools and methods have approximately equal chances of producing the desired result of improving your home-based business, then doesn’t it makes sense to give some simpler tools and suggestions a try before turning to something more complicated and possible more expensive? Today I learned about how one of the simplest things that a person can do for their home-based business can help to bring about positive change.
Until today, I was unaware that pilots use a very simple tool to get through the seemingly daunting task of landing an airplane safely. The same simple tool (albeit in a different form) is used by surgeons in hospitals to prevent infections during operations. The simple tool that can be adapted to fit these two wildly different situations is the very same tool that you can adapt to take your business to a new level of success – the checklist. The humble checklist can be used to accomplish any goal that you have for your business. It also provides a method for achieving a desired result over and over again by following the steps. Checklists can serve as an easy way to remember how to do a task that is not done often, or to instruct someone on how to do a task in your absence. They can serve to ensure that small yet important details are not overlooked and help your business to provide consistent results for clients time and time again.
Now that you know about this simple yet effective tool for improving the operations of your home-based business, what kinds of checklists will you develop to ensure your own success?
Photo by xololounge on morguefile.com.