Choosing the Diet That’s Right for You
Part 1 of a Series
Today, as promised, we’re going to delve into choosing the diet that’s right for us. Since we’ve got the pitfalls figured out, tossed the myths out the window, and religiously get inspired by Celebrity Fit Club, it’s fine time to figure out exactly which plan is realistic for us and is going to help us get rid of those unwanted pounds.
Now the hard part– where to begin. If you’ve tried dieting unsuccessfully (or even successfully!) in the past, the most difficult part is getting your plan together and actually STARTING. Should you cut calories (duh!), eliminate sweets, follow a strict plan or maybe join a weight loss center (think Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, or Curves)? With hundreds upon hundreds of diets, diet centers, diet plans and diet books swarming around us, it not only makes the decision that much more confusing, but makes many of us want to quit in the first place.
You primarily have 4 options:
• The Non-clinical program. These weight loss centers generally employ counselors (who many times have been successful on their program) to teach weight loss and nutrition—think Weight Watchers, Diet Center, etc.
• The Clinical Programs-These programs offer licensed and certified health care professionals to help you lose weight. These centers may also provide medication or perform surgery.
• One-on-one. You get personalized counseling with a health care professional or registered dietitian.
• Doing it On Your Own—Definitely the most difficult, but not impossible!
I’m here to tell you, the ultimate decision is up to you and pretty much depends on you, your commitment, and your lifestyle.
Ask yourself some of these questions:
Do you like to follow a plan to the T?
Do you enjoy measuring your food (and find it encouraging?)
Do you enjoy cooking? Hate it?
Are you always on the go?
Do you like to diet without a lot of restrictions?
Do you feel intimidated discussing your weigh loss with others?
Do you need someone (other than a family member) to encourage you along the way?
Do you need someone telling you how and what to eat in order to lose weight?
Answering these important questions may help you decide which weight loss plan is right for you. As always, pllllease consult a health professional before starting any kind of weight loss regimen.
Tomorrow’s topic du jour: A crash course of diet types..and figuring out which one will work for you!