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Choosing a Wedding Date

What made you choose your wedding date? Did that date have special meaning for you or was it a case of what was available? Does the date matter?

For us, it was a date already meaningful. It was a date I already had inscribed on one ring -the friendship ring Mick gave me. Exactly two years to the date and as close as we could get it to the hour and minute that Mick put my engraved friendship ring on my right hand, he was putting my wedding ring on the left ring finger of my left hand. It was why we chose that specific date, and perhaps why it’s I etched in our memories as well as that ring.

Choosing that date was not without hassles, as it meant a longish engagement which wasn’t ideal, especially as we were hundreds of miles apart. But that date was significant for us.

A friend was married Christmas Eve because they wanted to wake up Christmas morning together. That date caused it‘s share of problems with family and friends, as it is a time of year when people are already busy with many other things for the festive season and traveling to be with family that live elsewhere etc.

A young man I know was less than impressed when a close relative chose the day of the football grand final. As one of the wedding party he couldn’t exactly opt out. How much consideration should the wedding couple pay to other people and their interests and comfort, or is it really all about what the bride and groom want?

Another couple chose to be married on Valentines Day, arguably the world’s most romantic day. One couple married on 7 July 2007,not becasue it was supposedly lucky but so he wouldn’t forget it. Another married on the groom’s birthday,for the same reason.

June weddings used to be most popular overseas but have been overtaken recently by August weddings. Here in Australia it’s winter then, so September to December (Spring) is a more common choice.

I’d love to hear other people’s stories of why you chose a specific date for your wedding, whether it was a hassle getting the date you wanted or whether you had to change it to fit in with the church, reception place availability or family.

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