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Choosing Baby Sunscreen

Just because you have, a new baby does not mean you can’t get outside to enjoy some fresh air and sunshine. However, you need to remember that a baby has very sensitive skin, making him or her more susceptible to the sun’s effects. In fact, studies show that babies who receive a bad sunburn early in life have an increased risk of skin cancer as an adult. Even though you need to take different precautions with a small baby while in the sun, you can still spend a little time outdoors.

The most important thing is never to expose your little one to direct sunlight. Instead, make sure he or she has on protective clothing, a hat, appropriate level sunscreen, and is in the shade at all times. Many beaches have large umbrellas that can be rented or if you want to visit the lake, a local park, or even your own backyard, then you can use a standard umbrella for protection. If you want to take your baby for a stroll during the daytime, then you might consider buying a stroller that features a large canopy.

Sometimes, staying indoors during the most intense times of the day can be difficult but if possible, go out prior to 10:00 a.m. and then again after 4:00 p.m. Additionally, if you have a cloudy or overcast day, remember that the sun’s UV rays can still penetrate. In fact, many people burn worse on a cloudy day than they do a sunny day. Therefore, don’t let the clouds fool you into believing your baby needs little to no protection.

Most importantly, make sure you purchase sunscreen formulated specifically for small babies. You will now find various brands on the market that are actually age appropriate. Typically, any baby six months of age or less should have sunscreen applied to any part of the body not covered by protective clothing. While 15 SPF, which stands for “Sun Protection Factor” is a good choice, you might even go higher to a 30 SPF. Finally, if you plan to take your baby in the water, make sure the sunscreen product is waterproof. Even then, you should apply a new coat of protection every one to two hours.

Sunlight and fresh air are important for the development and growth of a healthy, happy baby. For this reason, you certainly don’t want to keep your child locked inside all the time. By taking the proper steps with shade, clothing, times of day, and sunscreen, your little one should do quite well. Just watch for any signs of redness or overheating, which might be seen as irritability or crying. If this occurs, stop for the day and head back inside.

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About Renee Dietz

I have been a successful, published writer for the past 26 years, offering a writing style that is informative, creative, and reader-friendly. During that time, I have been blessed with clients from around the world! Over the years, more than 160 ebooks and well over 18,000 articles have been added to my credit. Writing is my passion, something I take to heart.