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Choosing the Right Bottle Nipple

As you start searching for the best baby bottle, you will quickly notice that nipples vary dramatically. Some are quite large, some small, some odd-shaped, and then of course, there are different colors and materials. For the new mother, choosing the right bottle nipple can be a little confusing. Just remember that the most important aspect of this choice is going with a nipple that provides the best flow rate for your specific baby. After all, each baby has a different size and shape mouth, as well as a unique sucking method.

Okay, so how do you tell the flow rate for your baby? A good guide to follow is that after feeding, you should have a happy, content baby. Typically, each feeding should take about 20 minutes. If you find the feeding taking much longer, it could be that the flow rate is too slow. However, if your baby finishes the bottle in 10 minutes, the flow rate is likely too fast.

The right nipple will allow air to flow back into the bottle, replacing any milk your baby drinks. Therefore, as your baby sucks and then stops, you should notice bubbles going back into the bottle. If not, a type of vacuum forms, which will not allow for a proper feeding. In fact, some pediatricians believe this vacuum sucking could be the cause of ear infections from pressure.

As far as nipple material, the most popular choices include rubber, silicone, and latex, with latex being soft and flexible. Unfortunately, while the latex nipple provides an enjoyable experience for the baby, the material des not last long. On the other hand, silicone provides a longer-lasting nipple that is much firmer than latex, thus holding its shape quite well. In addition to material, you then have a decision regarding shape.

Today, bottle nipples have changed. For instance, in addition to the traditional shaped nipple, there is also a fat-topped nipple and even orthodontic nipple, which are made specifically to help build strong and healthy gums and palate. However, many mothers go with the flat-topped nipple in that it is the closest to the natural shape of a mother’s nipple.

Finally, the choice for the right bottle nipple will depend again on flow rat and on size. As you begin shopping around for bottle nipples, take time to read all the information, which will tell you a lot to help with the decision. Typically, mothers go through a number of different types of nipples until they find the one that works best for their baby. If you notice your baby fussing with the nipple, or not latching on well, then you know the shape and size is not right.

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About Renee Dietz

I have been a successful, published writer for the past 26 years, offering a writing style that is informative, creative, and reader-friendly. During that time, I have been blessed with clients from around the world! Over the years, more than 160 ebooks and well over 18,000 articles have been added to my credit. Writing is my passion, something I take to heart.