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Chores That Relax You

Do you find certain chores and household tasks to be relaxing? I hadn’t thought about that very much until I got together with some friends this week.

I was telling one of them that since our 15-year-old daughter was at camp for the week, we were repainting her bedroom. Thankfully she has gotten out of the dark colors stage and picked out a bright, cheery light purple.

My friend made the comment that she loved painting because it relaxed her. Painting, relaxing?

I couldn’t relate. I really dislike that household task. I find it time-consuming and boring. I could think of a million other things I would rather be doing, instead of stressing over not getting paint on the floor.

She also said that she found grocery shopping to be relaxing. I would guess it’s because she has two active little girls, so this is her chance to get a break.

But it got me thinking. I have heard other women in the past make comments about certain household tasks and chores that they find relaxing. I have heard some say that washing dishes or folding laundry is relaxing.

I don’t find either of those chores to be. However, I do find that dusting and general straightening of my house to be relaxing. I also enjoy any opportunity to organize a drawer or closet.

Now I don’t consider relaxing to be in the sense that you just kick back. But it is more of an emotional kickback. For some people, it is their chance to not think about life. You are wrapped up in the chore and get to unplug your mind for a while.

For other people, it is the opposite. They use that time to think, but in a relaxed state. There isn’t the sense of worry or feeling upset. In fact, chores may even help you to calm down.

What chores do you find to be relaxing?

Related Articles:

My Split Personality When It Comes to Chores

Deciding Who Is Responsible for Housework

Creating a Daily Chore List

Photo by betacam in stock.xchng

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.