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Christian Book Distributor’s Bargain Bonanza

*sigh* All the money I’m saving by reading MaryAnn’s frugal blogs is being spent on deals! I’m almost ready to quit saving money on them. Not! I have this fantasy where one year I’ll spend nothing that isn’t absolutely necessary. Fortunately, I always wake up!

I ordered today from Christian Book Distributors. They’re having a Bargain Bonanza. Here’s what was in my basket:

Lucy’s Christmas Box – I loved the Chronicles of Narnia. Yeah, it was Disney-fied and Aslan was wimped down, but for the most part, it kept the magic of the original C.S. Lewis classic. We’ve collected and kept a lot of the memorabilia, but this is one I hadn’t seen. It’s her tools, in miniature, in a lovely box. Originally $35, marked down to $3.99. They also have Peter’s and Susan’s.

Ocean Origami Kit – Elisha loves origami. It goes well with his perfectionist nature, and he has created some really amazing sculptures. So this will be yet another origami book to add to his collection. It includes the book, stickers, and origami paper. $1.95 (orig. $5.95).

A couple of different videos for .49, and a DVD for .99 – I told myself I wasn’t going to buy any more videos (only DVDs), but for .49 I figure even if they only watch them once and then pass them on, it’s worth it.

I also got some stickers, miscellaneous little stuff, and a lot of bargain books. With this purchase, I’m pretty sure I’m almost done with Christmas shopping for my extended family for next year. (Of course, for my own children, I’ll need that ‘wishful thinking’ list that doesn’t come out until Thanksgiving.) Last month, I picked up ten copies of a book I’d been eyeing for $15. They were marked down as a supersaver to .99 each. Into the gift closet they went (well, nine of them anyway). Gift-giving bargains will get more difficult to find as they year wears on. When you find a bargain before summer, you should get it and store it away. Your wallet will thank you.

Link to CBD Bargain Bonanza