Book: Building a New Nation
Author: Elizabeth Kearney, ed.
Publisher: Christian Liberty Press
Format: Soft-cover
Grade Level: 5th
Subject: Reading and history
Add On or Supplemental: Teacher’s Manual, Test Packet, Student Exercises
Book Description:
Building a New Nation is an exciting collection of stories that picks up where Finding a New Land leaves off. Children will experience important historical events from the westward expansion of America through the mid-20th century. Students will learn about such important people as Davy Crockett, Clara Barton, Abraham Lincoln, and Booker T. Washington. They will also enjoy the American folk tales and poetry scattered throughout this colorful reader. Comprehension questions and activities, along with vocabulary words, are found throughout the book.
My Thoughts:
Building a New Nation is the logical choice after reading Finding a New Land. I can only hope this line of books continues. The grade recommendation is fifth grade, however, if you previously used Building a New Nation with multiple aged children, add this book to your collection. As with the previous book, Building a New Nation can be customized to your homeschool method and size of your family. I never fail to mention how much I love the ability to transform CLP products to fit your method. I believe it is the best thing, save the quality, of the materials.
The chapters are short and easy to read for a family or an individual student. The content is accurate and interesting. As with the book before, it packs quite a bit of information in a few pages. More aspects that are the same are the vocabulary words bolded in the text and listed at the end of the chapter, comprehension questions and the extension activity also at the end of the chapter. It is a fantastic format that allows for more customization. You may use the questions and activities as a group or for individual study. You can purchase a teacher’s manual and test packet. This book also gives you the option of purchasing a Student Exercises booklet. The booklet will guide the student into completing the extension activities at the end of Building a New Nation.
Building a New Nation continues the quality of learning from the previous book Finding a New Land. Both books will make a wonderful addition to your homeschool.